Re: bloodstorm

I honestly can't find anything redeemable about the hunger and thirst, it's just an irritant. Also, if the game is supposed to be a mishmash of survival and fighting, where's the survival aspect? It doesn't really work because it's a tight ball of stuff with no structure. Why are we fighting, what are we surviving? Is this some kind of island town where the supplies are running out? Well nah because there's a bank, a store, a cafe, etc. So what's got everyone so agitated that they're willing to kill anyone on sight.

See, survival games generally have a story, you're not just plopped out in the middle of the tundra, rainforest, or whatever environment and ready, set, go! There is no story here though. Now, I would say that if you wanted to go down that route some restructuring would have to be done. Answer the five W's for a start, make it so that people have a reason to not kill everyone on sight, but also one where they could kill if needed. In other words, add some PVE elements that would balance the scale between PVP and PVE. Also, weapons should be procure on sight, you may be able to start with a knife. You'd want to give players a reason to value their life, in other words, think whether or not they want to engage another player, because if you lose even that knife, you come back naked and afraid. Add different maps with different types of activities, like chopping down trees or scavenging coconuts and stuff like that.

Take antibiotics and make them effective against curing infections. Those you get by being bitten by emaciated animals or something. Health would regenerate on its own. You'd have one rate for being active, and another for sitting down and resting. Also an overall scalar that would effect the healing process as a whole depending on how hungry or dehydrated you are at the time. Being dehydrated should be worse than being hungry. It should slow you down, not just in your walking but if you use melee weapons, you slow down the swings. Being hungry should effect your max stamina and make your stamina drain quicker. I know there's not a thing like that right now, but in a survival game, there usually is.

How... ever

I really don't think you guys should go down this road. First of all, it just doesn't make sense with what's there now and would pretty much mean restructuring the entire game. Secondly, it's easier to do one thing very well than to do two things very well. The more you try to vary the diversity of content, the more the entire thing is going to suffer. So, why not be the best damned arcade 2D multiplayer shooter out there rather than an a good shooter and an OK survival game.

Anyway, I know that you guys will do what you want, but I thought I'd weigh in with my two cents. I've seen plenty of games that try to do multiple things very well and can't manage it. And it kind of makes sense. You can kind of use a crescent wrench as pliers, but aren't pliers better? You can kind of use the handle of a screw driver as a hammer, but doesn't a hammer work better?

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