Re: best accessible IDE

Surely it would have been quicker to google than to ask here.

I was confused when I first used it, so here's a rundown:

In VSCode (called Code from here on out), you tend to open folders, rather than files (although you can open single files if you like).

There's two main ways to open files: The explorer (Control Shift E), and Search files by name or whatever they call it (Control P like print).

When you're in the files, there's a whole load of great ways to get around. Here's my favourites:

To jump to specific symbols (class or function definitions and probably other things), press Control Shift O.
If you've focused on a line like:


With your cursor placed on "f" (which presumably is a function name in your code base), you can press F12 to jump to its definition.

You can launch terminals with Control ' (apostrophe), and view all keyboard shortcuts (which you can search) with Control K, Control S. As in, you press Control K, then press Control S.

You can move to the next problem or warning with F8, and the previous with Shift F8.

If you forget all of these, press Control Shift P, and you get a list (searchable of course) of every command in the program. In that list, search for Python for example. You can select your environment (virtualenv for example), and run various stuff.

A useful one in there (that I haven't bothered binding to a hotkey) is show notifications (found by searching for notification or anything less). There you tend to get useful stuff that you only need once, like the offer to install the Python extension when you first open a Python file.

I've just started looking into tasks. If you've got a project you're writing in VSCode, it'll put a .vscode folder in the project tree. Here's my tasks.json file as an example, so you can see how I run my file from the build tasks list (Control Shift B):

    // See
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "command": "env\\scripts\\python.exe",
            "args": [
            "type": "shell",
            "group": "build",
            "label": "Run Example Script",
            "problemMatcher": []

Finally, extensions (the market place is on Control Shift X) is a great place to find stuff you want to use.

Hope this helps.

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