Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ethan, I know it is not a strain of Influenza. You missed the point of that article entirely. It was trying to show, through the various studies that were mentioned, that if the masks didn't work in those cases they would be just as ineffective with COVID-19. I am well aware that we're not dealing with a strain of Influenza here, and never personally insinuated that we were. If we were, then I assure you a lot more people would have been ill or dead, and not just the elderly either. Also, listen to those last remarks that you wrote. You said that it is an established fact that the masks don't prevent it, but they may prevent it. Well, do they or don't they? Let's make up our minds on this here because that is a very mixed signal being sent out there.

Jade, as I told Ethan just above here, I know the difference between this damn virus and Influenza. It shows you didn't read it, and I would like to think you possess way more intelligence than to just let Ethan give the information to you when he didn't even get it. You've been given this straight from the CDC. If those face diapers you champion won't protect you against other things like Influenza, then what makes you think they'll do any better against this? Honestly, I don't even know why I even bothered to share that article now. I mean, you ask for scientific data, you're provided that scientific data from a source you supposedly take seriously, and then you treat it like it means nothing simply because you're willing to buy into this narrative. Yeah, that's really thinking for yourself. I'll then ask the following question. If these masks are supposed to protect you from COVID-19, then why are you flipping out over those who choose not to wear them based on the scientific evidence they have come to understand? Perhaps they're not as great as you've been lead to think. Oh, and we have, yet again, another double-standard here. The mayor of Washington, D.C. just mandated that all citizens must wear masks, but all lawmakers are exempt. So, here we have it yet again, the inconsistency and double-standards that I've been talking about. This is why this mask business is someone's idea of a bad joke. But, wear them if that's what floats your boat. However, stop forcing, guilt-tripping, and shaming others into doing like wise. If you're bothered by someone not wearing one, then be an adult and leave it alone. You do what works for you, and let them alone to do what works for them. If you can't do that, then stay home and self-isolate so the rest of us can continue to live our lives without having to put up with those who would go tell on us for not wearing them. For gosh sake, kindergartners have more common sense than most who are pushing this mask garbage.

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