Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

There are days when I am witness to sighted people playing games on youtube and, instead of staying on the sidelines I wish like crazy I was the one playing them.  Then I see a topic like this one and begin hoping again.  Has that hope been smashed by companies in the past? Sure, but if I had to wager on the why, I'd say that the small minority who finds reasons to poke holes in what a company does or how they go about it in terms of bringing acessibility are to blame more often than not.
Somewhat related and just to prove my point, not too long ago I heard one guy basically come out and bash the blazes out of Native Access for not having made Komplete Kontrol more accessible to blind musicians; note the words more accessible, please.  That in essence means the company actually went out of their way to make the product accessible to begin with to some degree; yes, it is accessible.  Is it ideally accessible?  Nah, not entirely.  Is if further along than it was five years ago?  Absolutely, and I'm thankful.  This, right here, is the kind of step forward I'd like to see more often from huge companies, but I feel it doesn't happen as often given the nay-saying.  This is not one of those situations where you can look away and say that this community doesn't have any influence, because when it comes to gaming from a blind perspective, this community has stuck around longer than most.
And yes, I'm guilty of having been on the other side at least once... See post 2.  I stil don't know what came over me that day and caused me to ignore the question and be so critical of what, precisely, it was I was actually listening to.  No, on the whole and when you think shortterm as most of us tend to do, you instinctively think this isn't that valuable, but it really, really is!  It's been noticed that we want accessibility!  It's been taken into consideration, however lightly!  It's been realized that there's a bunch of people who might otherwise benefit from having screenreader and sound element support!  If you're the type that simply thinks of the instant gratification life has to offer, then no, this is not for you; please kindly bow out.  If, on the other hand, you're willing to stick it out and think longterm and put in effort to both help the company head in a positive direction and are willing to accept that it may not happen in the next two days, two weeks or even two years, then good on ya.  I hope I can be influencial in the next steps forward, if at all.

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