Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

And that's kind of a problem. If the electoral college is the one who makes the final decision, or counts the votes; they could always resort to doing what they did last election, shifting the votes so that, so and so wun, and the public would be... kind of, none the wiser. Just goes to show that supposed, freedom, to vote, etc, is nothing more than a illusion. If the ones who count the votes, or the system that does said task is manipulated, etc... The scales of who wun or lost can be turned in any direction they wish. We saw it happen in 2016; it happened once; who's to say it  won't happen again; public voting be dammed? I mean, if they didn't fully trust democracy and they put the electoral college to balance things out... You do realise that despite your vote, in this instance, the final decision rests, on the shoulders of, a: a group of individuals who can shift things around to suit their own interest, despite what people's votes might say to the contrary,  or, b: a system that can be tweeked to suit one or the other? It just seems... To me at least, untrustworthy, but that's just me.  anyway. As far as the comment that mentioned  the president having imunity and passing through scrutiny... In my country we did overthrow a president, and yes, he had immunity from the start, as all presidents. Its a long story, but he got over-throne for corruption, amung other stuff. So yes, even though a president has imunity and is typically above scrutiny; it can and has, happened before. I mean, if, we where to go by statistics in the last election, Hilary would've won. That's going by statistics. Troubles is, or was, between hilary and trump... that's beeing between the anvil and hammer; both choices where, let's be honest, bad. Granted one worse than the other, the worse beeing hilary, as the clinton administration was... corrupt, for lack of a better word, but that asside, neither of the options was good. Not even decent for that matter.

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