Re: Moderator Application: Summer, 2020

Greetings. I am interested in the moderator position for the following reasons. To start with, we've been experiencing a downhill decline in civility of late, as well as an up tick in drama. These things do not make for a very welcoming place. We must understand that not only do we get new registrants daily, but also, we receive guests who are developers. As these developers are on the outside looking in, it should be incumbent on us to put our best foot forward, as it were.

Secondly, and this is probably the simplest of all, I recognize the need for moderators who are committed to making the forum a better place. This requires commitment and dedication from all staff, but it also requires teamwork and cooperation as well.

Finally, just a desire to keep up with the things that tend to fall through the cracks, such as staying on top of the restricted topic. I've always been good at that type of clean-up work for some reason. I generally am good about coming behind people and doing the work that sometimes gets forgotten about by others.

I believe I have suitable qualifications for the position of moderator. I'm determined to make a difference and to do well. I do my best to make things as fair as possible. I am tough on transgressors. I do make mistakes like everyone else, but I will not shy away from admitting when I'm wrong. Finally, I have a passion for turning this place around and making it something we all can be proud of.

There are a few things that would serve as challenges for me. The most glaring of which would be my two bans. Next, I would say that I'm not overly fond of rules related to piracy. I would probably be slower to act in cases like this, simply because I'd want to be sure it's actually going to take place. Blatant things, such as posting links to illegal torrents would not be a problem.

I would say that I tend to have strong opinions. I recognize that as a moderator, it would be to my best interest to really think through whether or not it's worth posting them and getting into debates. Basically, I would treat it more like a paid position, but with my personality still in tact, just not the rougher edges, if that makes sense.

There are a few people who regularly come here that I am not a fan of. I realize that both of my previous bans were related to how I expressed my displeasure to the people that were behaving not in a way I would have liked at the time. That said, I think I have gotten to a point where I can not be so close to things, and realize that upholding professional standards does not permit that sort of hostility towards other users.

As far as a time commitment goes, I'd like to say 21 hours per week. This is three hours a day, and it's not that I couldn't do more, and wouldn't be willing to do more, I think this is a good base line. It is a good pace marker for me, because I have the habit of not pacing myself in my endeavors and sometimes getting burnt out. This can happen even if the activity in question is something that I love doing. Pacing myself is a good way to prevent this from happening though.

I am very familiar with Discord and use it daily. I am participating in the accessibility server, and am on roughly 17 servers at the moment. I love Discord as once you figure out how to navigate through it, it really is a feature rich platform.

As to the hypothetical scenario, it doesn't seem like there is enough evidence to suggest that Jill might be attacking John because of his transgender status. She has antagonized him though. Her prior attacks on him have probably resulted in at least one caution by the staff, so she deserves a warning. If she had feedback for John, she could have delivered it in a more constructive manner.

John deserves a warning as well, because calling Jill a waste of space is a personal attack. Juan doesn't deserve punishment in my opinion. The whole situation would then require closer monitoring to make sure it doesn't get even further out of hand.

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