Re: Question about Lambda MOO

Well, it kind of worked...
The First Room
This is all there is right now.
You see that you can go N, o, r, t, and h.
My $room:look_self verb looks like this:
1:  {?brief = 0} = args;
2:  player:tell(this:title());
3:  if (!brief)
4:    pass();
5:  endif
6:  this:tell_contents(setremove(this:contents(), player), this.ctype);
7:  exits = {};
8:  for x in (this.exits)
9:    exits = {@exits, x:titlec()};
10:  endfor
11:  if (exits)
12:    player:tell("You see that you can go ", $string_utils:english_list(@exits), ".");
13:  elseif (!exits)
14:    player:tell("You can go nowhere from here.");
15:  endif

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