Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

devinprater wrote:

So, I'm on the Virtual Ability Island right now, and, yeah, it still seems limiting to me. I mean, there's a sign here, but how do I read it? There's a teleport to training centers, but walking to it does nothing that I can tell. I mean, how does the island look? I just, I don't know. Maybe there's some trick to learning to enjoy this thing. Also, in another topic, Heartssong said that we can equip a "shoe sound". I mean, Radegast can't just come with that by default? Of course, people who are good at this probably don't even need it. Ah well. I'll keep playing with it, but yeah I'll probably need training.

Also, why doesn't the client use NVDA's controller client to speak output as it comes in? I mean, you'd practically have to use arrow keys and tab and shift tab and constantly check for output, right? I mean, tat doesn't sound relaxing at all. Of course, you may have JAWS, where you can just set screen echo to all and get spammed with repeating stuff probably. But there may be more sounds than I think. There is none when I type


and press Enter, though, so I doubt there is one for incoming output too.

Also, why does Virtual Ability Island have unlabeled objects? Dealing with note cards is a pain! Like, how am I supposed to know that that "strip view" thing has controls on it when it just says "sale boat note card" or whatever? So I have to detach the note, then exit? Sure, that's intuitive. Sarcasm of course. Also, if I want to see a description of something, I have to "show contents." How is this productive? Or maybe there are just more commands that aren't in the user's guide.

So there's this "bird of paradise large." here, and it's description?

(No Description)

Great. Very inclusive. Thanks a lot. Then again, I'm one of those weird blindies that want to know what the world looks like, not just what's around. I mean, in real life, I have my cane, and my phone could tell me what objects are around. Can't I, in a virtual world, know just, a tad bit more? Like, what a freaking bird looks like on a supposedly disability-focused island? Well, let's see how this boat works. Lol they couldn't even be bothered to change the "use arrow keys" to drive to using the go commands.

Okay so how are you supposed to know, other than by tabbing, when something is being freaking offered you? Like, this is like some Windows 95 style app. Like, no automatic speech, no way of knowing when something pops up... Just, really bad. But let's see how far I can take this.

Well that failed. I couldn't actually "ride" the boat. Ah well. Maybe these playground things will end better? I mean, even though I didn't even know about them until going further down the list of objects.

Nope, looks like you can't actually interact with the Merry Go Round-, or the slide. Hey what about the swing set? Surely that'll be fun! Well the info about it just says "swing set." Okay maybe sit on it? Nope. Okay maybe one of the contained objects? Nope. Yeah this virtual world doesn't seem too lively, or fun, or interesting, or even all that accessible. Without any further help or instruction or heck, even plain justification as to why we should use this, over MUD's, or even TeamTalk or Discord, would be welcome. But if you just say "oh well I ain't got time for recruiting, I've got ma training to do!" then I mean, I don't see why I should Invest my time into trying to get a handle on this.

I mean, let's take you riding a train for example, since that's something you did recently. How did you know what was around the passing train? How did you know what stop you were at? On that amusement park thing, I mean, how was it any different than being in the world as you are now? I mean, we still don't know what things look like. We still don't have any idea what goes on if it's not in chat or sound, and chat is going to be very frustrating because no automatic reading.

Also, do you have some vision? I mean, if so that's great, but it means we totally blind people will just have to deal with how frustrating the client is to use, and how gosh darn slow it is to actually get something done. I mean, riding a boat! I still can't get that done!

Also, Virtual ability's blog seems to have been taken over by spam. That's great. Just great.

If you would like, I can help you. I can teach you how to use Radegast.

To interact with objects, you use the objects list. The main VAI island doesn't really have any sound which is why you aren't hearing any. SL is loaded with sound.

NVDA doesn't speak chat automatically because in a lot of places you wouldn't want it to. It can be pretty active and not all of it is stuff you want to hear. For example, if you are just floating on a tube down a river you might not want to hear all the chatter coming from nearby chat if you are trying to enjoy the sound and tranquility.

When I rode the train, there was actually narration because it was meant to simulate the one at Disney. It was pretty cool actually. Sometimes there is info in local chat, and you can always look at the objects list as you are passing things. Just make sure your internet is fast enough because it will be refreshing a lot!

Oh and you can hop off the train at any point with no fear of being run over. Then you can walk around and look.

SL is extremely lively and there is always something going on. I can't justify using Second Life. All I can say is that it is so much more than a chat client and that Second Life is a very social world. There are roleplays, concerts, classes, parks to explore, museums, nature centers, shops, ice skating rinks, hot air balloon rides, theme parks, lectures, and so much more. Honestly, I find a new place every day.

As for the boat ride, I can help you with that too. But first you probably need to learn how to walk around.

Signs can have what we call notecards attached to them. The Orientation Path, which is where you are, is just the default place you are logged in to when you log in for the first time. We start out training you there but that is not where you learn to interact with objects.

You use teleporters to teleport, and there is a standard menu that works with the objects list. This allows you to teleport to objects. It is handy. smile Especially if you are hunting for freebies or other goodies.

There is a lot to this and I will be glad to help you. But we don't have anyone there at the main Virtual Ability island waiting on new users. So e-mailing is a good idea.

The guide is a great tool. It is meant to supplement the in-world training.

All new users, be they sighted or blind, recieve help when they come in to SL by the way. They have to learn to use viewers too.

The reason why you just saw Byrd of Paradise large is that the object names are written just like a file name or anything else. There isn't enough space to add entire descriptions. I think the thinking is that you hopefully know what a byrd of paradise feels like.

As for the VAI blog, the "spam" is blog entries written by Virtual ABility residents who wanted to share their work. The articles are meant to be a mix of pieces.

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