Re: Sad to read this

@86 you must be crazy. Go ask anyone in the second or 3RD world what they think about America and their actions. Even under Trump. Hell. Recently there was controvercy over America wanting to Sanction Trinidad because if Iranian Ships heading for Venezuela, which is 11 Kilometres SW of us, pass too close to our shores, They'll view us as allowing them to go near Venezuela, Thus violating some treaty. There was also another controvercy where Trinidad sold oil to a company in Aruba which then sold it to Venezuela.  So, basically, if push came to shove, they'd have had the power to cu off our food supply, and fuck our economy since the US is our largest trade partner. You know its actions like that is why the 3rd World moves toward China and so on. Because if they claim to be the protectors of the world why the fuck would you want to fuck over our economy, fuck over our food supply? I can also point to many situations in the 3rd world that was either caused by, or heated up by America. Even under Trump. Venezuela is one for example.  Jesus christ. Also, selling supplies to foreign countries wasn't unique to Obama. May I remind you that the reason that ran became an Islamic dictatorship is because of America? So, before you go casting dirt on Obama only look at the actions that happened long, long, loooooooong before Obama came.

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