Re: What do you think about the Corona virus conspiracy theories?

Yes, Biden would have advisors, and yes he would listen to them. The question is would he even remember what they tell him. Based on what i have heard him say when he is speaking, I wouldn't trust him to be able to remember anything. Nothing he says makes any sense. i actually feel sorry for the guy. He shouldn't be running at all, and I can't believe this is the best the so-called democratic party has to offer up.

I may not voice it the same way as you do, but I am with you a hundred percent. If these socialists, or communists )I'll just call them what they really are), want to try their ideas out they can do it in their own country that they either start new from the ground up or one that they take over after they've left our country. Yeah, I get that universal income sounds good, and free healthcare might look good on paper, but when put into practice things like this just will not work and it doesn't matter how it is tried. What people fail to get is that if you have free healthcare, someone's still going to have to pay for it. In order to deal with this, I can already see what the leftists would do and that would be to raise taxes through the roof because that money is going to have to come from somewhere. Universal income for all might sound good, but that means that no matter how much or little you work you still are paid the same amount across the board. So much for the idea of promotions and increased productivity. that will just encourage the lazy to be lazy still, and the work to be even less productive since they won't get more for an increased amount of effort. And, let's not forget this Green New Deal they've been babbling on about. I can't wait to see how they'd explain where the money is going to come from for that bit of insanity. Oh yeah, it will come from even higher taxes, and I think we can take that to the bank. If these communists want to try this, then they can do it somewhere else, preferably on some other planet, or they can try it out on when they get a colony of people on the moon like they've been talking about. It doesn't matter to me where they try their crap out as long as it is off this planet or in some other country.

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