Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

I'd also like lazeret.
I'll translate its description and moveset from Polish to English soon.
Confused? Then read on.
In the Maraso region, pokemon and manamon are threated equally. This means that, if I manage to release the project before manamon 3 or a new pokemon generation is out, Tangerian monsters will become generation 9, Kiarrian ones- generation 10, and those from Maraso itself- 11.
Since there are already so many different monsters, there will be a small amount of local pokemon.

Type changes:
laser, glass and plastic types will be added.
Manamon types will be added, except insect, plant, stone and shadow. Thus, Murkit line will be dark type.
Both versions of elementar punches will exist. They will have the same typing as in original games. Since there would be two ice punch attacks, the manamon version's name will be changed to icy punch.
Air and flying will be two separate types.
This means that the flying attacks will usually be performed by a bird's body part, where as the air types will be based on wind- like razor wind or ominous wind and so on.
Cubone and marowak's types will be changed to ground ghost.
It will be possible to use the elements introduced in manamon on some pokemon to transform them into something new.
If you would like to find out more about this project, just let me know.

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