Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Okay, Accman. I'll take up your gauntlet, even though you still haven't done likewise for me. (I still don't know specifically what Trump would have to do to lose your support)

Here is how I would react in the face of Covid-19:

1. The instant I heard about this virus coming out of China, I would invest time, effort and even money, if necessary, into consulting virology experts to assess the damage potential for my country. I would not waste time trying to prove or disprove that the release was accidental or purposeful at this time, but I would keep my ears open for information which definitively proved one side or the other.
2. The instant I knew beyond a reasonable doubt that my country was going to take a pounding from this virus, I would consult pre-existing pandemic legislation and preparedness materials - yes, they were well-established by this point, both by GWB and Obama - in order to determine how best to prepare the country for what was coming. This includes closing borders, alerting medical staff to the coming pandemic, activating the national stockpile for PPE and other such things, and taking my place on the world stage so as to hopefully assist other countries which would soon be hardest hit. As the president of a very powerful country, I would know that while my first responsibility is to my own people, there are millions of others who will look to my country for guidance, and I would do my level best to act in a manner fitting my station.
3. In my initial addresses to the people, I would cite the importance of listening to science, and would make very clear that I, as president, was going to do everything I could to keep my fellow countrymen safe and secure. I would speak in realistic but calm terms, neither attempting to dismiss Covid-19 as a "leftist hoax" nor trying to imply that it was going to kill anyone and everyone. I would recognize that as president, it is my responsibility to guide my country through this crisis with firm leadership, information and policy. I would not panic my citizens by trying to incite hatred of China or my opposite party, and I would not pretend that unsafe chemical interventions were worthwhile; in fact, I would state very firmly that injecting lleach, drinking rubbing alcohol or using hydroxychloroquine were not prescribed for Covid-19, and in the former two cases, were at high risk of causing injury or death. I take the health and safety of my citizens very safely, and would make sure that they are not being misled.
4. If changes to health policy occurred, and caused confusion, I would do my best to explain that with any evolving crisis such as this, information can change the way experts understand the ramifications of their actions. If needed, I would invite trusted health experts to explain these changes in policy in terms that an everyday person can understand. I would establish a mutually beneficial arrangement with health officials and governing bodies, rather than an adversarial one.
5. I would close down the economy as much as reasonably possible, and try to increase pay for essential front-line staff upon whom we all rely for the maintenance of critical infrastructure. In closing down the economy, I would use my considerable power to make sure that those out of work and facing potential financial hardship were provided with enough money to cover for their social needs. I would recognize that, in this state of pandemic, it is well within my right as a president to do this. It would cost money in the short term, but the alternative will cost more in the long run due to hospital overcrowding, longer required delays before the economy would come back to normal, etc. I would also make clear to the people that while the economy closure is unpleasant, it is being done for the common good, and would once again stress the importance of a quick and decisive response to Covid-19. I would also reassure people that with such a response, this economy shutdown would be temporary, and would continue only as long as it was indicated by prevailing health and science expertise.
6. If I had to be in public, I would set a good example by wearing a mask at all times, and by trying to maintain proper physical distancing. I would encourage anyone feeling ill to get tested, and would do everything within my power to make sure that expedient and accurate testing services were available everywhere in my country. I would cancel all public rallies I might have been intending to have in order to support my bid for re-election, and would look into other ways to further my campaign, since encouraging people to gather in large groups runs counter to the evidence presented about physical distancing and the coronavirus.
7. In response to the violence which sometimes resulted from protests in the wake of George Floyd's murder, I would condemn all acts of violence from all sides, and would ask all related individuals and officials to remember that we are experiencing a worldwide crisis which puts everyone at risk. I would also make a point of showing sympathy for those who have been hurt by systemic racism, and would accept that it is long past time that we do something about it. While it might not be within my power to overturn long-held systems overnight, I would pledge to be more mindful of the struggles faced by Americans everywhere, but would ask that people consider more carefully their intention to riot during a pandemic. I would, if necessary, consult members of other minorities at this point, since their voices would hopefully amplify my own message; we are ultimately all in this pandemic together, after all.

That's just for starters. And I'm not a politician or an economist, but that would be the bare bones of my platform.

Any questions?
Good-faith questions only.

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