Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

One large thing that I would like to point out right here is that you, among others, have looked for things in words I never spoke. Just because I never said Trump was being hostile, that doesn't mean that I think he wasn't acting inappropriately and with hostility. Not at all. I think that I have made myself plenty clear that I do not out-and-out support Trump. Honestly, like I said before, if I could just exterminate both candidates' campaigns, I would, and Trump is definitely included in that I promise you. He has acted wrongly, hostilely, for sure, but the reason I never said it is because it was not relevant at the time. When we were speaking about it originally, this thread was talking about, and only about, the vice-presidential debate that took place on Wednesday the seventh of October. At that debate, Trump was not in attendance, and furthermore, he did not say one word at that debate, so why would I bring him up in a conversation about something in which he is not involved? You see what I am getting at there?
And just to cover my bases, there is always the argument you could use regarding my comments from the other thread we bumped heads in. What I want you to understand about those comments that I was making before about Trump and the mask stuff, is that I was not out-right defending him. i know I know, it definitely seems like I was, but let me explain. I want people to think a little deeper about all of what is going on. We take what we see in the media and we take what we get to see in videos released on the news and on social media, and we as a society tend to take those things at face value. So, during that conversation, we were discussing Trump's lack of a mask and his joy ride. What I was trying to get across there was that everyone takes him to be just another idiot and a big oaf for doing such a thing, but what if he really wasn't? What if there was more to this whole situation that the American people are not getting access to for some reason. Whether that be that there is unknown information about Covid that we haven't been given, or whether it is the fact that he never had covid in the first place and now they are trying to cover it up. The point is, I wanted people to look into the situation more and not just take things at face value. I am not an out-and-out Trump supporter. I highly disagree and question with a lot of the things he does.
Now I apologize for my little rant and tangent just now but I just wanted to be sure of my position here. So i will get back on topic and move forward. To get back to your whole sexism piece, I promise you, and you can believe this if you want, or you can choose to completely disregard me, either way is fine, but I am in no way a sexist. I don't care who is standing at the podium, or who is fighting for a job slot at some business, or whatever you want to make the situation. The person can be a male, a female, a transgender person, gay, straight, pansexual, etc etc. It really does not matter to me. In my eyes, people are people. Because honestly, why should there be any difference in the way people are perceived based off such physical, and in some of those cases, moral and emotional things? All i care about, is whether or not that person competing for that specific spot is a good person at heart, whether they can speak in the tone that puts them at the level they should be, and so much more. I just want good people to be in the positions they deserve to be in. So if a woman stands up to a man and fights for her place fairly, excellent. All the credit to that woman and honestly it is a beautiful thing to see, because gender and racial equality is still a huge problem today. So if that woman is standing up to that man for justifiable and genuine reasons, and she does so in a genuine and fair way, then all the power and praise to her. But it is when that person becomes rude, full of negative attitude, shooting people down at the blink of an eye. For example, when Pence spoke against Harris's prosecution record, ok yeah, it was a nasty shot, but that is politics today, she had done the same to him throughout the debate and his status as vice, so there it is. When the moderator was trying to move on, Harris got noticeably hostile, and even went as far as to take it out on the moderator who was trying to move on. She continuously shot down the moderator's attempts to move forward, and undirectly told the moderator to shut her mouth and to let her talk, despite the debate being on a time constraint at that point. Now yes yes I know, Pence did indeed do the same thing earlier on when he didn't get the time to respond that he wanted and went on to complain about it like a school child not being able to extend their hours past normal bedtime. But my focus is on Harris here so i am going to stick with that subject. it wasn't right. And that was woman against woman in that moment. Harris was in the wrong. She was rude. She was disrespectful to the moderator just trying to follow the rules of the debate and trying to do her job, and let her tone get way out of hand. And you know what, if Pence had done that, and did was Harris did in that moment, I would be right here saying the same things, just reversing the names. This isn't about a person's sex in my mind. This isn't about a person's gender in my mind. This is about someone that did something that was wrong, and that did not put her in a very good light moving forward in my eyes. That is all. Take all of this how you will. I am sorry that some of it may be spelled a bit wrong and some of it may run on a bit. I admit, I am rather tired while writing this and am just trying to respond to you the best that I can. But this is where I will leave it. There are a few other points that I would have liked to touch on from your post, but I will have to do that another time, if at all.

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