Re: your opinion on china

China blocked the website posted above and I cannot access it at the moment, but I found some content.

Sorting out: Ten rumors and truths concocted by anti-China forces against Xinjiang.

For a long time, overseas "East Turkistan" organizations have been linked to anti-China media and slandered China's Xinjiang affairs by concocting and spreading rumors. Like interference in China's Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet and other issues, the ultimate goal of Western interference in Xinjiang affairs is not as it preached. "Protecting freedom and human rights" is an attempt to curb China's development. When U.S. President Trump finally signed the so-called Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act, the Global Times systematically sorted out the most common rumors concocted by anti-China forces in the United States and the West. These rumors basically covered all aspects of people’s daily lives. In some Western countries, In the eyes of the media and organizations, these contents can be "separately written" to form a so-called "investigation report," or they can be used interchangeably to promote "the existence of oppression of ethnic minorities" in Xinjiang. In order to restore a real Xinjiang, this article will explain the truth about the events or fields involved in these rumors one by one.

On the 19th, China International Television Station (CGTN) aired the documentary "Loving Tianshan: Memory of China's Xinjiang Anti-terrorism". Video screenshot

Rumor 1: "China has detained nearly a million Uyghurs in're-education camps' in Xinjiang"

Truth: There is no so-called "re-education camp" in Xinjiang. The sensational terms such as "large-scale detention camp", "re-education camp" and "concentration camp" are used to call Xinjiang Vocational Skills Education and Training Center. It is the ulterior motive of some American politicians and media. practice. In fact, the vocational skills education and training center established in Xinjiang according to law is essentially the same as the “community corrections” promoted by the United States, the DDP project established in the United Kingdom, and the de-radicalization center established in France. They are all for preventive counter-terrorism and de-radicalization. And the beneficial attempts and active explorations taken.

The rumor that "nearly a million Uyghurs have been detained" was originally fabricated based on two highly suspicious "studies." The first "research" was the "Chinese Human Rights Defenders Network (CHRD)" supported by the US government, which was obtained by only interviewing 8 people. Based on such an absurdly small sample "research", CHRD estimates that "at least 10% of villagers are currently detained in re-education detention camps, and 20% are forced to participate in re-education camps in villages or townships, totaling 30%. Of people are in two types of camps." In this way, CHRD applied these estimated proportions to the entire Xinjiang, and then came up with the figures mentioned in the report submitted to the United Nations: 1 million people were detained in "re-education detention camps" and 2 million people were "forced to participate." Day or night re-education courses".

The second "research" relied on unreliable media reports and speculation. The author was a far-right fundamentalist Christian named Adrian Zeng (Chinese name "Zheng Guoen"). According to a survey conducted by the US "gray zone" news website, Zeng Ci believes that he is "led by God" and has a "mission" against China. He is also a senior researcher on China issues at the far-right organization "Communist Victims Memorial Foundation" established by the US government in 1983.

In September 2018, Zeng Ci published an article in the "Central Asia Survey" magazine, saying, "It is estimated that the total number of detainees in Xinjiang exceeds 1 million." According to the "grey area", Zheng Guoen's figure was based on a report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur-based exile media organization based in Turkey. The TV station once published an unconfirmed "number of detainees in re-education camps" allegedly "leaked" by the Chinese authorities, stating that as of spring 2018, the total number of detainees in 68 counties in Xinjiang reached 892,000. But according to the "grey area", Istiqlal TV is not an impartial news organization at all. It promotes separatism while hosting various extremists. Among them, the frequent guest who often appears on this TV station is the leader of the "East Turkistan" named Abdul Kader Yafuquan. Perhaps the cited basis is so absurd that he can't stand it anymore. Zeng Ci admits that his estimate is "indeterminate." But in November 2019, Zeng Ci once again "upped" his estimate, saying that China had detained as many as 1.8 million people. … esearcher/

In fact, the Xinjiang Education and Training Center aims at the low level of general use of the national standard language, lack of awareness of the rule of law and employment skills, and varying degrees of infection of religious extremist ideas, etc., to carry out the use of national standard language, legal knowledge, vocational skills and de-radicalization. As the main content of education and teaching, the purpose is to eliminate terrorism and religious extremism from the source. It is not at all "for political indoctrination and intimidation." Through systematic study, the students' comprehensive quality has been improved, their legal awareness has been significantly enhanced, they can initially use the national common spoken and written language, have mastered practical skills, and have generally improved their employability, and they have got rid of the mental control of terrorism and religious extremism. At the press conference on Xinjiang’s stable development held on December 9, 2019, the Chairman of the Autonomous Region Xuekeliti Zacker announced that all the trainees who participated in the "Three Studies and One Go" have completed their courses and achieved this with the help of the government. Stabilizing employment, improving the quality of life, and leading a normal life.

A reporter from Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao visited the Education and Vocational Skills Training Center in Xinjiang in April 2019 and found that the education and training center did not violate human rights. [Val Thompson.(2019, May 10). A Journey to the Autonomous Region ofXinjiang, China. International Focus. Retrieved June 2,2020,from … ous-region -of-xinjiang-china]

Rumor 2: "There is forced labor against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang"

The truth: The so-called "large-scale forced labor" of ethnic minority workers from Xinjiang completely violates the facts. Employment is the basic right of Chinese citizens. Minority migrant workers from Xinjiang, like the vast majority of workers in other regions, have all their labor rights and interests protected by the law; they have the freedom to choose their occupations, where they go and what jobs they want , Personal freedom has never been restricted; the religious beliefs, ethnic culture, language and written rights of Xinjiang ethnic minority migrant workers are fully protected; relevant enterprises provide Xinjiang ethnic minority migrant workers with good working and living conditions to ensure They work comfortably, live at ease, and their families are at ease.

Xinjiang migrant workers in the interior, like all workers, enjoy legal rights such as the right to employment, the right to sign labor contracts, the right to remuneration, the right to rest and vacation, the right to work safety and health protection, and the right to obtain social insurance benefits. They all signed labor contracts with enterprises in accordance with the law, clarifying the rights and interests of work content, working conditions, labor hours, labor remuneration, social insurance, rest and vacation, and established labor relations protected by law. In accordance with the provisions of the "Labor Law", enterprises have purchased endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance, and maternity insurance for Xinjiang migrant workers. Special time is arranged every year to allow them to return home to visit relatives and reimbursement of travel expenses for visiting relatives. Free medical examinations are also arranged for them to ensure their health. At the same time, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions and the relevant inland provinces and cities' federations have established a two-way legal rights protection mechanism to jointly protect the rights and interests of Xinjiang migrant workers in the interior. Actively guide them to join the local trade union organization and distribute the "Employee Rights Protection Service Manual" for free to help solve difficult demands in a timely manner. According to the survey, the monthly income of Xinjiang employees working in the Mainland is generally more than 3,500 yuan, with the highest reaching 6,000 to 7,000 yuan, which is much higher than the income of household farming.

On March 1, the "Australian Institute for Strategic Policy" (ASPI) released a "research report" claiming that "at least 80,000 Uyghurs have been transferred to factories in the mainland for forced labor." Some U.S. lawmakers subsequently called for "stop importing Xinjiang products." , Also proposed the "Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act." ASPI has long held an anti-China stance. On February 15, Australia's "Financial Review" wrote an article to expose the background of ASPI. The think tank was established in 2001 and the Australian government provides its budget through the Ministry of Defense. However, in recent years, the think tank has gradually received a large number of funds from defense contractors, technology companies and other national and regional authorities, including NATO, the US State Department, and the British Foreign Office. Many of them regard China as a competitor.

According to an article on the US "Gray Zone" website on March 26, the so-called "forced labor in Xinjiang" is actually a "lightning public relations campaign" orchestrated by anti-China forces in the United States and Australia. … -cold-war/

Rumor 3: Some overseas media and social platforms have "tracing posts", and overseas Uyghurs claim that their "relatives" and "friends" in Xinjiang are "lost" and "missing".

Truth: The information and pictures of these so-called "lost contacts" are fabricated. Some of the "lost contacts" mentioned by overseas "East Turkistan" elements actually lead a normal and stable life in Xinjiang. Xinjiang has never restricted the freedom of travel of people of all ethnic groups, including Uyghurs, nor has it restricted their communication with their relatives abroad. Regarding some of the so-called "lost contact" issues, after verification by relevant departments, some of them are in normal social activities, and some are purely fabricated. Facts show that these "lost" people have not lost contact with their real relatives and friends.

On February 24, 2020, the session of the United Nations Human Rights Council began. The "World Uyghur Council" set up a tent in the "Broken Chair Square" in front of the Palais des Nations in Geneva and raised banners to display a series of so-called "Uyghurs persecuted by the Chinese government" "Photo. However, a reporter from the "Global Times" found after investigation and verification that there was a lot of false information in these photos. Some photos and personal information of Uyghur cadres and masses who lived in the society were stolen by separatist organizations and used to fabricate rumors.

The ethnic separatist Rebiya Kader has visited all over the world in recent years and has repeatedly declared in public that "dozens of relatives were detained by the local government in Xinjiang." The "Amnesty International" website recently published an article echoing his statement, stating that "30 relatives of Rebiya Kadeer were detained without trial." A "Global Times" reporter interviewed a number of Kadeer's immediate family members in October 2019. No one in Kadeer's family was implicated because of Kadeer's family and lived a free and happy life. These relatives called on Kadeer to stop spreading rumors and stop disturbing their peaceful life.

Rumor 4: "Xinjiang monitors local ethnic minorities on a large scale"

The truth: The use of modern technology products and big data methods to improve social governance is a common practice in the international community. In accordance with the law, Xinjiang has installed cameras in public areas such as urban and rural public areas, major roads, and transportation hubs. The purpose is to improve social governance and effectively prevent and combat crime. These measures have enhanced social security and have won widespread support from people of all ethnic groups. What needs to be emphasized is that this measure does not target any specific ethnic group. What's more, these monitoring facilities will not automatically identify and target a specific ethnic group. It deterring bad people and protecting good people.

Rumor 5: “Xinjiang controls the inheritance of the language, culture, customs, clothing, etc. of ethnic minorities, and the Uyghurs will never be trusted and will never be accepted equally.”

Truth: Some Western media claim that Xinjiang’s promotion of the national common language is "erasing ethnic minority culture", "Chinese is replacing Uyghur", "it is teaching students to hate their parents and culture", which is completely wrong. China protects and inherits the excellent traditional culture of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law. Xinjiang has conscientiously implemented the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China" and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional Ethnic Autonomy", adhered to and improved the system of regional ethnic autonomy, guaranteed equality among all ethnic groups in accordance with the law, and effectively safeguarded the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups. All ethnic groups in Xinjiang, including the Uyghurs, are family members of the Chinese nation, and the people of all ethnic groups embrace each other like pomegranate seeds.

The "Constitution of the People's Republic of China" and "The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Common Language and Written Language of the People's Republic of China" stipulate that citizens have the right to learn and use the standard spoken and written Chinese language, and the state provides conditions for citizens to learn and use the standard spoken and written Chinese language. If you learn to use the national common spoken and written language, you can better integrate and adapt to modern society. It will be more convenient for you to learn, find a job, communicate, talk, and work in business.

In strict accordance with the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China", Xinjiang schools have fully implemented the national standard language teaching and achieved remarkable results. The majority of students have improved their national standard language proficiency and become "small translators" for parents to communicate with the outside world. Little Helper". In the past, foreign tourists went to the village because they couldn't communicate because of language barriers. Now when they go to the village or at home, children can be interpreters. Language is no longer a barrier. The monitoring of the quality of compulsory education in the autonomous region has shown that Xinjiang’s teaching quality has improved significantly, especially in the first and second grades of primary schools. The increase in indicators has laid a solid foundation for the growth and progress of young people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the national primary and secondary school curriculum, Xinjiang has also opened ethnic minority language courses in primary and secondary schools, teaching Uyghur, Kazakh, Kirgiz, Mongolian, and Sibo courses, which fully guarantees the learning of ethnic minority students. The rights of ethnic languages have effectively promoted the inheritance and development of ethnic minority languages and cultures.

Xinjiang has conscientiously implemented the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China" and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional Ethnic Autonomy", adhered to and improved the system of regional ethnic autonomy, guaranteed equality among all ethnic groups in accordance with the law, and effectively safeguarded the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups. One is to fully guarantee that ethnic minorities enjoy equal civil and political rights. Citizens of all ethnic groups have the right to vote and be elected. Currently, 42,997 representatives of ethnic minority people’s congresses have been elected according to law, accounting for 69.8% of the total number of deputies to Xinjiang’s people’s congresses at all levels. Minority deputies accounted for 60.7% of Xinjiang deputies to the 13th National People’s Congress. The second is to vigorously train and use minority cadres. Through various forms such as training and learning, grassroots training, exchanges in different places, and job rotation, we have strengthened the construction of ethnic minority cadres and cultivated a large number of outstanding ethnic minority cadres. As of the end of 2018, there were a total of 427,000 ethnic minority cadres in Xinjiang, all of whom are contributing to the economic and social development of Xinjiang.

China protects and inherits the excellent traditional culture of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law. Respect and protect the culture of ethnic minorities, and actively collect, protect, and rescue ancient books of all ethnic groups. For example, we have translated and published the dying Wisdom of Happiness, and compiled and published a variety of folk oral literature such as the Mongolian epic "Jangger". Created the weaving of Uyghur musical instruments, carpets and Adelis silk 3 A national production protection demonstration base for intangible cultural heritage projects. China fully respects the customs and habits of all ethnic groups. Formulate a series of policies and regulations to respect the customs of various ethnic groups in dress, marriage, festivals, etiquette, funerals, etc. Actively standardize the production and operation of halal food to ensure the dietary customs of ethnic groups with halal eating habits in Xinjiang.

The so-called "Xinjiang controls the inheritance of minority languages, cultures, customs, clothing, etc." is full of extreme prejudice. On China's social media, there are a large number of Xinjiang minority netizens who use their own language to record their lives, display their own culture, distinctive costumes and traditional customs. In the current Chinese literature and art circles, Gulimina, the champion of Uyghur "Good Chinese Dance", Palhati, runner-up of "Good Voice of China", and Tong Liya, a well-known Xibe actor, are all outstanding representatives of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.

Rumor 6: "Xinjiang restricts religious freedom, monitors religious activities of religious believers, and demolishes mosques on a large scale."

The truth: Xinjiang’s anti-terrorism and de-radicalization struggles in accordance with the law insist on not being linked to specific regions, ethnic groups, and religions, strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Law of the People’s Republic of China, respect citizens’ freedom of religious belief and ethnic customs, and prohibit any Discriminatory practices based on geographical, ethnic, religious and other reasons must resolutely prevent the violation of the basic rights of the people of all ethnic groups due to anti-terrorism and de-radicalization.

Xinjiang fully implements the policy of freedom of religious belief. Religious citizens enjoy the same political, economic, social, and cultural rights as non-religious citizens. No citizen is discriminated against or treated unfairly because of his or her non-belief in religion. All normal religious activities carried out by citizens in religious venues and in their own homes in accordance with religious customs, such as worship, fasting, etc., are taken care of by religious groups and citizens, protected by law, and no organization or individual is allowed to interfere. Adrian Zentz's so-called "monitoring of Muslims going to mosques, the number of prayers, and fasting during Ramadan" and so on, let alone the so-called "control of religion".

On the contrary, Islam has been successfully inherited and developed in Xinjiang. The number of mosques in Xinjiang has increased from more than 2,000 in the early reform and opening up to the current 24,000. Every 530 Muslims own one mosque, and the number of teaching staff has increased from more than 3,000 to more than 29,000. There are 103 Islamic associations at all levels in autonomous regions, prefectures and cities, counties and cities.

The Islamic School of Scriptures and 8 branches including Kashgar, Hotan, Ili and Xinjiang Islamic School of Scriptures have been opened. There are 10 religious schools in total. They recruit a certain number of undergraduate, junior college, and technical secondary school students each year. The school has more than 3,000 students. There are more than 1,000 students in school. At the same time, in order to protect the normal religious needs of Muslims, Xinjiang continues to improve the public service conditions of mosques, and implements "seven ins and twos" (water, electricity, roads, gas, information, radio and television, cultural and bookstores enter the mosque, and Zhuma mosque has bidet facilities. , Flush toilets with water), "nine equipments" (equipped with medical services, electronic display screens, computers, electric fans or air conditioners, fire-fighting facilities, natural gas, drinking water equipment, shoe covers or shoe cover dispensers, lockers), convenient for religious belief The worship of the masses is very popular among religious people and believers.

Rumor 7: The New York Times claimed that the Xinjiang government sent children to boarding schools, "forced" them to separate from their parents, "replaced the national language with Chinese," and carried out so-called "brainwashing" by promoting patriotic education. … hools.html

The truth: The implementation of a boarding system is an effective way to improve the education level of remote areas in my country and reduce the burden on students and parents. Students of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang follow the principle of going to school nearby. Students whose homes are closer to the school can go to school; students whose homes are far away from the school are provided with free accommodation and free meals for rural students. Whether boarding or not is determined by the school. The students and their parents choose. The New York Times's so-called "young children are forced to be separated from their parents" is impossible to talk about. Even its report has to admit that there are indeed many families in remote areas who are willing to send their children to boarding schools instead of "forcing" it. Contradictory.

All countries in the world will educate young people to love their country. Schools in Xinjiang conduct patriotic education, which is distorted as "brainwashing" by the New York Times, which is a typical double standard.

Rumor 8: The "Irish Times" published a report entitled "Do as the Customs in the Countryside": China sends officials to live with ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, and some foreign media claimed that "the marriage is to monitor the Uyghur people" and "requires ethnic minorities to eat "Pork" "Han men and local women sleep on the same bed in the same room."

Truth: National unity is the lifeline of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. In order to strengthen ethnic unity and promote the exchanges and integration of all ethnic groups, Xinjiang has carried out extensive "National Unity and Family" and ethnic unity activities among cadres and masses of all ethnic groups since 2016. More than 1.1 million cadres and workers of all ethnic groups and more than 1.6 million ethnic groups The masses paired up, made friends, and recognized relatives. Among them, Han cadres paired up with ethnic minorities including Uyghurs, and some ethnic cadres including Uyghurs paired up with Han people.

"Irish Times" reporter Peter Gough was invited to participate in an interview with the theme of "Entering the Core Area of the Silk Road Economic Belt" in August 2019. He came to Xinjiang again in December 2019. Disregarding the objective facts of visiting the interview activities in Xinjiang, Peter Goff fabricated interview subjects out of thin air, wantonly fabricated the interview content, and fabricated a lying report, which seriously violated the professional ethics of journalists and had no professional ethics. During Peter Goff’s interview in Kashgar, the staff of the regional foreign affairs office accompanied him throughout the whole process. He never interviewed the imams and Uyghur residents mentioned in his report, and the graduate students he interviewed did not say what he reported. , His report was completely fabricated, and the escort once said that he could confront him at any time.

Rumor 9: "Some areas of Xinjiang destroyed cemeteries of ethnic minorities." CNN reported that "China demolished more than 100 Uyghur cemeteries in Xinjiang." The report took the Uyghur poet Aizi Aisha, who currently lives in London, "could not find his father's grave" as an example, claiming that 100 Uyghur tombs were destroyed by the local government and stressing that this was part of the "Chinese government's attempt to eradicate Uyghur cultural identity." Kind of means. … index.html

The truth: The relevant departments in Xinjiang stipulate that among ethnic minorities with burial customs, the government does not promote cremation, and adopts specific measures such as allocating special land and establishing special cemeteries to guarantee it; there are no ethnic customs such as weddings and funerals, circumcision, and naming. limit.

The "Global Times" reporter traced this to the source. In January this year, the reporter found Aiz's home in Shaya County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang. His mother Apizamu Nizamuddin and his sister Wuerlanmu Aisha took the reporter to the cemetery of Aizi’s father Aisha Abdullah. They said that the cemetery was not destroyed, but moved to the cemetery, and a unified plan was carried out. Now the environment of the cemetery is cleaner and tidy, so that they can come to worship at any time.

Rumor 10: The website of the "Uyghur Human Rights Project" published a report stating that "China used its refusal to renew passports as a weapon to force overseas Uyghurs to return to China to accept extrajudicial detention or imprisonment."

The truth: In recent years, under the guise of "academic", the "Uyghur Human Rights Project" has carried out so-called "human rights investigations and research", fabricated "human rights reports," and attacked and discredited our policy of governing Xinjiang. It is true The purpose is to promote the so-called "Uyghur Human Rights Movement" and implement anti-China separatist activities. They used interviews with individual so-called "applicants" to discredit Xinjiang passport management measures, provoke Chinese and overseas Chinese of Xinjiang origin to misunderstand and question my Xinjiang-related policies. Their so-called absurd argument that "China uses its refusal to renew passports as a weapon to force overseas Uyghurs to return to the country to accept extrajudicial detention or imprisonment" is a slander and gimmick.

China is a country under the rule of law, and citizens' personal freedom and right of entry and exit are protected in accordance with the law. Chinese embassies and consulates abroad protect the legal rights and interests of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese, including ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Passport Law of the People’s Republic of China. As long as they are citizens of Chinese nationality and recognize that they are Chinese citizens and do not violate my country’s laws and regulations, they can apply to the Chinese embassy or consulate in their place of residence for passport replacement or reissuance.

Xinjiang has always adhered to the facts as the basis and the law as the criterion, managing immigration affairs according to law, and cracking down on violent terrorist crimes and religious extremism. According to the "Counter-Terrorism Law of the People's Republic of China": "The entry-exit document issuing authority and the entry-exit border inspection agency shall have the right to decide not to allow them to exit or enter the country, not to issue an entry or exit certificate, or Announcing that their exit and entry documents are invalid." It is understood that the vast majority of Xinjiang nationals who applied to our embassies and consulates for passport replacement or reissuance have been accepted and approved. According to the law, passports were not reissued or reissued for suspected terrorist activities. It is hoped that the majority of overseas Chinese will not believe in rumors or spread rumors, and trust the motherland government to handle passport renewal or reissuance according to law.

Previously reported: The third Xinjiang anti-terrorism documentary is broadcast. Will Western media still be selectively blind?

Source: Global Times-World Wide Web / Fan Lingzhi Liu Xin

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