Looking for light graphics design work

Hey folks,

Working on getting Onslaught, my audio Asteroids-like shooter, listed on the Microsoft store and available on the Xbox. Also hoping for a mobile launch too, but performance may not be there. Anyhow, if you've ever submitted an app for store submissions, you know they require icons and screenshots, even if they don't make sense or even if your target audience doesn't notice them.

Looking for some graphics design help for a) an app icon b) a PNG texture for game backgrounds with the text "This is an audio-only game." or similar in a nice font and c) maybe a studio logo. Happy to pay market rate for this work, though to be clear my budget isn't great, and especially isn't great for something that 99% of my player base won't even notice. hmm If at all possible, I'd prefer to get B done for free, since it's literally just slapping down words on an image, and I'd do that myself if someone told me how. I may wrangle my girlfriend for help with that, actually. smile It's A and C that I'd really spend the budget on. I'd like for icons and logos that look nice, even if they're simple. I have ideas, but don't know if they're any good, and would really appreciate a designer who gets that my ideas may suck and is happy to help me improve them while getting that I don't have a huge budget, and scaling their effort/help appropriately. I.e. unlike many businesses who probably want to look great, I'd only want to spend an hour or two at most whipping up images that are presentable and look decent, and I want a designer who won't sink a bunch of billable hours into that and slap me with a huge invoice. smile Recommendations very welcome.


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