Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

I never said it wasn't seriously flawed, but some of your more melodramatic statements weren't matching with reality.
I mentioned aftercare, so I do remember it yes.  Also if you really think they pushed back against Medicaid just simply because they wanted people to suffer...  Do you believe Republican politicians are cartoon villains sitting there in an underground lair in front of a fireplace with the American flag as kindling, walls full of Nazi symbols, dressed up in a suit made of hundred dollar bills, rubbing their hands together and cackling maniacally about the grand plan to kill all the stupid poors?  Because at this point I think you might.
This current situation is something that happened over a long period.  Many people along the way thought they were doing the right thing at the time, people from both sides of the political line, and some undoubtedly were assholes but others were simply  ignorant fools.  Greedy corporations certainly played their part, but so did basic mismanagement and short term thinking, not to mention the public them selves.

As for going to the wrong hospital, it definitely happens and it's definitely fucked up.  It helps that you can choose a plan that covers almost any hospital in your state if you look, but again, the system is allot harder to understand than it should be, and more importantly, people aren't educated on how to understand it.
Regarding selling your house to pay hospital bills, that doesn't happen that much for the reasons I already mentioned, in general most Americans have a shit ton of debt, to the level that it's basically meaningless at this point in some cases.  That's why when most jobs do a credit check, according to economists they rarely take medical or student debt into account.
Now buying a house after you defaulted on your hospital bill? that's another story thanks to the credit problem, and we agree on that as I already said.  It's a vicious cycle where you can't pass the credit check to do things like finance a car, getting a job to earn the money can be hard with bad credit and sometimes they may even dock your pay for the debt, and you don't have the money up front to just buy it, so what the hell do you do?  People in America get punished for bad things that happen to them, things which are often out of their control, or at least common problems for most people.  It's very antisocial if you think about it...  And the weird thing is that allot of older generations said they preferred it that way, because being helped hurt their pride and independents too much.

Your insurance almost never goes away as soon as you lose your job, but getting another plan in time can be difficult, especially if you now need to apply for Medicare/Medicaid.  This is quite shitty and you make a good point.  And from experience I can say that it's actually technically harder for the lower middle class to afford healthcare because they lack the help with premiums that those under the poverty line can get, even if there's may be a better quality.  The percentage of your paycheck spent on something you almost never take true advantage of, and even then still having to pay a bit for medicine and doctor's visits is truly absurd even with a mid level plan, not to mention the limitations.

You can quite easily find a list of doctors who take Medicaid near you, or just call and ask, but I never said that Medicare/Medicaid pays for everything, nor would I.  I simply said that it pays for more than most people think, thanks to the enhancements you can choose, but many just don't bother, or sadly don't know, something which I'm sure the insurance companies rely on.

Yes, the current state of things is bad.  I never claimed otherwise.  But I'm not going to ignore the fact that there are common workarounds that can help for allot of people just to wallow in the misery.  I find it more useful to learn how to game the system and fight it at the same time, rather than just ignorantly yelling about things that (while mostly true) are not going to change quickly, or help me with my situation right now.

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