Re: Vast Horizon (new game)

OK, while far from complete, I feel that this has some of the basics in place and is ready for some early testing.

Vast Horizons SOund Pack  for MUSHclient

Here are some things of note.
1. This assumes you have MUSH-Z, if so, just drop it in your worlds file.
2. It assumes that you have the following plugins installed. These can either be done globally (via CTRL+ALT+G or ALT+F then G), or through the plugins list (CTRL+SHIFT+P or ALT+F then U). MUSH reader, output_functions, channel_history and lua audio.
3. There is no user-friendly volume control, sorry about that, it's on the road map for sure. If you need to change the volume, enter this command \gv=n where n is in the range 1 to 100. There will also be separate volume controls for different things coming down the line.
4. I made this to suit my needs, not anyone else's. I'm happy to accept well thought out suggestions, but if I don't like it, I ain't doing it. You're free to take this and use it as a base for your own if you like, so long as when you release it, you credit me somewhere pertinent, such as in a readme file or on a website.
5. This will probably never be as rich a sound pack as others. I just really don't care about music and ambiance, and I'm too lazy to do them.
6. I can't do things like automatic this, monitoring that and taking some action on your behalf like I do on other MUD packs, because the rules of Vast Horizon forbids it. In other words, I can't make a script that monitors your ship for damage and lets you know via an alarm when it is critical, nor can I make something similar to monitor your suit's oxygen supply and let you know when it is low.
7. This pack was made such that it complies with the game's policies. I disclaim any and all responsibility over what folks might do with it once they have it in their hands. Similarly, I disclaim any and all responsibility should the pack destroy your computer or should some disaster befall you soon after downloading/opening the pack.

All that being said, if you like it, let me know. Similarly, if you don't like a particular sound, let me know. I will fix it when I get a chance. But it will be on my time. Remember, this is for me first, and everyone else second.

If you encounter any problems, or need help installing it let me know. probably the best way is through discord, or here in this topic. My discord is ironcross#8090. I don't use skype anymore, and rarely check emails, more rare still do I check the forum PM's.

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