Re: I'm completely stuck. Please help me

hay wilsen
what you have to do is find the tracking turret, fownd near the brightwater superstore
you will have to buy it using your y g c coins. open the gps menu and select spy mode. track the raleroad mannagement office, and walk to there. don't use the running feeture because cyclebot is tracking you and if he sees you run, he will insinerate you with the magical ball. wunce you reech there, a magical ball is waiting for you. grab it, swich it to fire mode, and start running. the cyclebot will begin to chace you with his motorcycle so be quick about your movements. if you turn around and see him, shoot a fire burst from your magical ball. if you run for about a mile now, you will step on a teleporter that will bring you to shinto arium temple, in witch lilia lyes in there. grab her and use a full revive on her. if you see a flamia running twords you, use a leefox to destroy it. when you turn around if lily is not there track saundaman with your gps system, find him by using the teleporter to the exit of shinto arium. wunce you find him, you will see lilia trapped in a silver spaceship. when you get lilia, drake will barge into the house. kill his horse ad then start playing your drums. start shaking the shakers. wunce you think times up, wait 3 seconds. slam the drum one more time, draw your gun or sword, what ever you like, though gun is recommended, load it, and shoot him before he oes the same to you. if you, how ever, get shot by him, you will be dragged underground in the ralnuth sewer systems where you will face the death robot. when it shoots laser beam at you, activate your light shield and call edword blake. when edword blake is distracting the death robot, escape from there. wunce your done, return to the raleroad mannagement office and walla. your done with the hole thing, and the next chapter will begin

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