BlindSight -- In Development Game

Hi everyone!

Once again, my name is Georgia and I'm a student at UB studying Simulation and Game Design. This semester I have been creating an audio-only game and its called "BlindSight" so I wanted to share what I have worked on so far and it would be great if I could get some feedback/constructive criticism from anyone who is able to playtest my game.


The concept of the game is this:
An audio-only "survival horror” game where the goal is to move through the forest by using a device that leads them along a path to their injured friend who will eventually assist them to get out and escape the forest. In addition to that, the player must not be swayed by the sounds of the creature that lies within the forest which is also trying to track the player and capture them.

- Movement: WASD or arrow keys
- Hold the left-SHIFT and movement keys to run
- To get navigation instructions and follow the voice to the ending press SPACE
- Bell sound/"ding" indicates that you are moving in the right direction(you may not always hear it if you don’t trigger them at certain points)
- If you get caught by the creature there will be a siren/alarm sound
- In order to escape the creature, continuously press the ENTER key
-if you hear a thump sound or pain/"ouch" sound you may have encountered a boundary wall and should try to move out of the way by backing up/turning however
- To pause the game, press "P"


The current build is for Mac (still working on getting it to other platforms like on the Web and Windows) and I still have a few things to work on such as including an action/losing statement that will happen when the player gets caught by the creature too many times but regardless I would love to hear how others interact with the game so far.

The first link below goes to my page and the second goes to a shared folder, both which you can easily download the file: … sp=sharing

Feel free to let me know how your experience with the game was and thank you in advance for checking it out!

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