Re: anyway to run c++ code with out a laggy editer like vs or CodeBlocks?

Python is fine.  I don't know why everyone is afraid of it.  I literally just proved that it's fine for anything audiogame last week with that collision tutorial (which *didn't* use cython), cython itself is incredibly easy if you ever actually need it (which you won't, at least while you're at the stage where it seems hard and are starting threads like this one) and I've done incredibly large scale things with it without a problem.  You may also have varying degrees of luck with Go, Rust, _javascript_, and Dart.  In general there is no one language that can do everything, and you're going to need to learn at least two in the long run.  But if you're not sure, you might as well go with community momentum, and as has been discussed many, many times, there's no current example of an audiogame that couldn't have been written in it without a problem.  I have some hypothetical multi-yeaer projects that might eventually make that no longer true.  But I have over 10 years of programming experience and it has remained true for something like 20 years of audiogame development, during which time the state of the art hasn't advanced at all, so I doubt you're going to be the first to take Python to the limits of what it can do. You have to be the sort of programmer who doesn't need to ask basic questions before you can do that, at which point you just learn a new language in a weekend because languages are really just details and then it's fine, anyway.

That said, I am probably the most experienced C/C++ dev on this site.  There's a couple people who might be able to tie with me, but I don't think anyone who can beat me.  And I will flat out tell you now that if you're trying to pick a first language you should pick literally anything else.  If your goal is to learn a bunch about how computers work, fine.  And modern C++, assuming you look at the right tutorials, is actually pretty safe when it comes to memory management.  But C has none of the tools that can save you from yourself, and C++ is the second-most complicated language I know of by miles, beat only by Haskell.  Haskell makes math PHDs cry and is unsuitable for audiogame dev mostly, just to put that in perspective.

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