Atempting Github Pages with a Header/footer System... Help?

So I started messing around with github pages, and I was like hey! It almost worked with a multilevel folder structure, so like... Let's try it here where all of the html will probably be in a single directory.
So in each page I have the following jQuery:
this produced some crazy error about Cores that i had when I atempted this locally, so I switched it to:
And that produced the same error. So I did some research and I came up with:
And that gave the following error for each page:
Blocked loading mixed active content “”[Learn More]jquery-3.3.1.js:9600:9
My header and footer pages have _javascript_ in them, and I'd really prefer that it stay that way. I'm going to go try it without _javascript_ and I'll update. For now, can someone try and explain how I might do this correctly? Or even if there's a better way to do includes in Github Pages. Like, do they offer SSI or something?

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