how do I get into DreamLand

Hello there and good morning everyone where ever you are. I've read about the game called DreamLand and have heard some about it here on the forums, and I've finally decided to bite the bullet and give it a try. As long as it doesn't cost anything to get it up and running. I know of course about the microtransactions which I won't be participating in, and I tried the link in the description to go to the site to set up an account in order to do the translation? how hard would this be to get all set up and running. If it's going to be too much like work just to run the thing, then I'm not even going to bother. But I thought I would ask here first. This sounds like a game that I could really get into and I'm always looking for new and exciting worlds to inhabit. Which is why I love games like core exiles and some types of muds. Thanks a lot to everyone and I hope you're all staying safe and healthy because of this covid19 foolishness. I am so looking forward to the vaccinations coming out.

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