Re: newbie in game developing

bhanuponguru wrote:

@22 and @23
no no, i know what is a box, but i din't thought it is a computer term too
i am just confused what box refer to. because in games we don't use rectangle, squares directly. so i am confused what box exactly refer to. enimy? bullet? player? etc.
ok, thank you all, your helping me a lot

Well... it depends if we're talking about Mainstream games or Audio Games. Or, maybe a more fair comparison would be Audiogames and the more advanced developers who actually attempt to design correctly to make there games run and act like mainstream games, frame timers, fluid movement, physics or pseudophysics, etc. I don't want to say that all of this is beyond your scope, especially before looking at your Github, but a lot of it can get quite confusing if you don't have someone to explain it to you and help you through it.
But regarding your question, most Audiogames, especially of the recent BGT variety, use perfectly linear rounded XYZ coordinates. A lot of them even cheat and do things like: Pseudocode:

if(key_pressed(KEY_UP)) {
  if(facing == 45) {
    x, y = x + 0.5, y = y + 0.5

Etc... It's stupid and rediculous and not how it works. If you must, if you don't have any background in Trig or any such things to understand how to make such math, like i was, you can port over Sam's 3d rotation functions from BGT. I think it's at least a good start.
Now, Mainstream games still use coordinates under the hood as far as I know, because... how else... but they don't let you see the coordinates, and they use under the hood collision detection like Camlorn's, which, as has been said, is probably a bit much for you, especially because you won't be needing order of magnitude optimizations for a very long time, especially if you're using Python.
Regarding jumping:
I had a similar question actually, a while ago. I was given  very good advice that I was to stupid to actually use properly. Take it step by step, what do you do when you jump. This depends on if you want very realisti jumps or the ridiculous gravity defying jumps that you can do indefinitely in a lot of Audiogames. But, for clarities sake, generally you'll jump, start rising at a near constant speed. Once you've hit the height of your jump, which, if that is a constant amount, we can just calculate by checking if the player is that many feet above where they jumped from. A lot of games have you hang in midair at the height of your jump for a small amount of time. Am I just imaging this wrong because I've never noticed something like that in real life... Anyway, do that or not... But you'd then start falling... Now if this were real life, you'd accelerate, physics people correct me if that's the wrong term, downard quite fast, because... gravity... so that jump wouldn't last very long, but if you make the time something decently long, like 0.15 or 0.25 seconds, then you'll fall decently slowly, making the stupid jumps. Generally, if you're not going for the physics aproach, you're going to want to rise and fall at the same speed.
I'm not going to provide pseudocode because I'm sure you can figure it out.
Keep in mind, i'm not all that acomplished myself, so if any else on this topic says something to my contrary, then you should probably follow there advice, but this is a couple things I've picked up or been able to logic out.

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