Re: Earwax

that's a terrible idea.  Probably too late to fix, but you just broke all the tooling.

If you had stuck to major.minor.patch, incrementing major for incompatible changes, minor for features, and patch for bugs, then things like pip are smart enough to protect you from accidentally ending up with an incompatible version.  But what you've done instead is something to the effect of the next incompatible release is 2021.1.1.  For early development, you're supposed to use 0.major.minor, and fold patch into minor.  This should also protect against accidental upgrades.

The way this works in Python is to put, in requirements.txt:


Or similar.

I don't know why everyone is so afraid of large version numbers.  I mean, chrome bumps theirs like once a month.  Maybe it's not realizing that version numbers aren't about humans at all.

You could fix this by doing 2020, 2021, etc. without consideration to the date.  This is probably your best bet.  You might also be able to pull packages from Pypi, but everyone cracked down on that after the left-pad fiasco and I don't know if Pypi is one of them.

Also, you haven't got what you think you have.  You can still push more than once a day by just appending to that version.  I'd have to check the Python algorithms for that, but I'm 99% sure you can just add a 4th component and the version ordering still works out.  Python is a bit weird in that they had to retroactively fold a bunch of weird versioning schemes in when they standardized, so there's a pep out there somewhere that specifies the ordering and it's nonobvious if you do anything but semver.

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