Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Ok, this is difficult
I'm going to have to "somewhat" break the prompt, because I play a lot of muds and it's hard to decide.
So I'll just give a few of my favorite muds
why I love it: It has an interesting combination of themes including a Ravenloft themed areas, some medieval and tokein areas, as well as sci-fi areas. It's professions are interesting as well, combining technology and magical elements quite nicely without the usual mishmash of surrealness that multi-genre muds tend to end up with.
things I don't like about it: Advancement is on an eval system, making it somewhat difficult to find areas to fight in. It can also tend to be somewhat of a grind.
unwritten legends
This mud is unfortunately down, though it is aparently in development. When it will reurn I don't know.
things I like about it: A very unique setting, taking place in a post-apocalyptic, steampunk setting in a small pocket of civilization after a magical event which tainted the land and warped the environment with necromantic energies, and where the planes of reality link in a multi-layered system of rifts and plane-traversing lifeforms called algonthorine, or aetherships.
things I don't like: It is made by IRE (Iron Realms Entertainment), which means it can become pay to play once you run out of lessons. This does not make it unpalyable, fortunately, if you learn abilities strategically.
discworld mud
A mud set in the world of the Discworld Novel Series.
A disc held on the back of 4 giant elephants (Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon, and Jerakeen), who sit on the back of the great space turtle A'Tuin.
things I like about it: The world is alive and very, very large. Explore the (Not so grand) city of Ankh-Morpork, from it's wealthy district of Ankh on one end of the semi-solid river Ankh, and the filthy, crime-filled district Morpork on the opposite side. Explore the Agatean empire's largest (And only) port city, Bes Pelargic and it's 8 serpentine districts. Walk around the magical city of Genua in a land inspired by faerie-tales and the unusual. And finally, explore klatch, a desert land home to Djelibeybi (A desert city inspired by ancient egypt), and Ephebe (A greek-inspired city dominated by the great citadel, home to philosophers).
You can gain money via various jobs, including a cooking minigame as well as jobs like dog walking and fixing roads. This, of course, is not the only way to gain money, but it is one of the ways newer players can gain money and experience.

things I don't like: It has a large learnign curve, making advancement somewhat difficult at the start.

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