Re: A fantastic resource on how to have a lovelife for guys in poticular!

I put my blindness on my profile. I know it's frustrating but a person who rejects you on the basis of that one fact, which is totally beyond your control, is somebody you probably didn't want to know in the first place.

Having said that, there is a way to handle it. Don't lead with the blindness on your description. If that's the first thing someone sees (pardon the pun), that's what they'll immediately make the deciion on. Talk about yourself a bit first so women can see that you're a normal person with a disability rather than a disabled person trying to be normal. If someone thinks "oh [[wow]], this guy likes the same books and music as me and is an animal enthusiast and good cook to boot". The fact that you're blind will be noticed but will be a lower ranking factor than the connection on hobbies, interest and personalities.

Also, focus on what you can do. Don't say that you're blind and that that means y ou need help with this and that. Say that you're blind but that ladies shouldn't panic because you manage cooking and housework better than most men who can see, or something like that. Make it a kind of joke or something that you're comfortable with and have overcome. If you're comfortable with it, and that comes across in your profile, prospective dates will be cool with it as well.

It may well put people off but at least you won't know because they won't have contacted you in the first place. What you don't know can't hurt you, remember, so it will always feel worse to be knocked back by a woman who feels lied to through no fault of your own than just not getting as many messages from people you quite frankly probably don't want to hear from in the first place.

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