Re: bloodstorm returns!

Now, I can admit that I've been apart of the fire in this topic, however I'd like to think that I've kept my outrage mostly at the game. I've also agreed with many of the things said here about the dev, from his unwillingness to accept criticism and the other things, but 124, then his later 126 post has to be by far the worst, most disgusting, hypocritical and symbolic of what's wrong with the community for the year. I doubt anything can surpass this stupidity and negativity for the rest of the year. And patryk, this is why we hate you, why we're rude to you, why nobody wants to buy anything for you, because you're a complete jerk. There's a better word for you, but that would make this extremely heated post even hotter. So yeah. The next time we're not very loving and warming to you, you can look ack at this topic, then the later posts responding to yours as an answer. Reflect on the shitty things you've ever said, not just in this topic, but elsewhere, about people, about games, about devs, and about things you can't do. Ask yourself, is it that humanity is bad and shitty? Or do I have a part to play in why I'm not liked?

You haven't played the game to know if its actually a rip off of 3dyw, or if it is a game simular to 3dyw, with improved concepts never before seen or thought of. You're punching down a game which very few people have seen or experienced in even a fucking near released state because, of asumption? Because its not an FPS? Because its not a game that you like? And you have the audasity in 124 to toss shit on the community for making bs, a game which had a lot of problems go down? Because the dev, took it upon himself, even though of the people who did give an opinion, the ruling opinion was keep rotu? Man, grow up

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