Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

Bugs I found: include spoilers
I can't find my way through the tower of truth do to teleporter confusion so I went back to clear out the second floor of the tower of fear.  From what I understand, the shadows of death are not randomized and disappear as you defeat them.  Had most of it cleared out and ross up to level 68 when the game froze after a battle finished on the enemy defeated screen.  Eventually the game continued, I didn't save with a save crystal and 3 or so minutes after that the game stopped responding and I had to close it, thus losing all my progress.  I am using the VW kate voice that gets installed with kurzweil 1000 because of it's decent quality.  It's sometimes a little slow in responding after pressing a key so I am wondering if this is what froze up the game.  I am running on a windows xp pro machine with 3gb of ram.  This happened once before but I was able to save and close, things seemed to work fine after that.  I will start using a different voice, probably MS mary.  Are there any other decent free sapi 5 voices out there?  I have eloquence installed but it only works with SAPI 4.  I understand that NVDA support is ongoing but jaws support would be great if possible.
Another bug that has happened twice now concerns the keyboard.  I have jaws in sleep mode when the game is running and after a while of alt tabbing between the game and other programs, the control key seems to get stuck in the down position.  Most keys in game still seem to work but the alt key for spells does not.  Exiting the game through the menu and restarting fixes the problem.
Any ideas on the truth transporters?  Found the switches that someone mentioned earlier.

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