Re: Am I too stupid for programming?

It's less about intelligence and more about persistence and determination. I'm quickly discovering that if you're curious enough of a person, you'll keep pushing to find answers until you get them. If you're a person who doesn't get excited about solving problems or figuring out why something is coded the way it is, chances are, programming is not for you. Just because you aren't picking up on something immediately doesn't mean you're stupid. It just means you haven't gained enough  exposure to it. This is true of anything in life, not just programming. I've seen you come out here and ask questions. I don't know to what frequency you get satisfying answers, but that to me shows you are at least curious enough to act on your confusion or curiosity.

Impostor Syndrome
is a real thing. I go through it, my friends go through it, everyone goes through it. I'm sure others on this thread have gone and do go through it. We all just need to realize that we are human beings. Not everyone is going to be a Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, or Stephen Hawking. You don't need to solve all of the world's problems to be successful or effect meaningful change in the world.

Life is a marathon, not a race. Sure, there are people who know about a subject more than us, learn faster than us, and solve problems more quickly than us, but that doesn't make them better than us. If we just threw away candidates below the 1%, hardly anyone would be employed. I've come to terms with the fact that yes, there are people who are going to have better knack for my field. They will get better grades, have a higher GPA, and even graduate before me. But you know what? That's perfectly fine. I'm doing this for me, not them. Working at my own pace has been the best decision I've made in my life. I thought if I didn't run through this degree in 4 years, I would be a failure. I quickly started burning out with the number of classes I took each semester, dealt with terrible mental health problems, and had tons of existential questions. Once I realized I can move slower, many of these issues subsided. I won't graduate in the same time other students will, and that's a okay with me.

Continue to do what you do. Don't let these road blocks stop you from driving forward in your programming career. Being confused is all part of the learning process. How you navigate confusion and lack of understanding is what makes you a better programmer, and just grow generally as a person.

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