Re: Actions speak louder than words... or do they?

This topic seems to be about the situation where some things are cracked down on and others are not (or are delayed).  I've tried avoiding actually coming back here to leave a post, but the forum email link seems to be forever broken, and my 6 private messages to mods have received no responses.  This seems to be my only option, so I'll leave this here and respond to private messages if any are sent.

I sent private messages to almost all of the moderation team a few weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything back and nothing has been posted about this.

I was told the new game World of Mists was using stolen sounds from some of my work.  I downloaded the game a few weeks ago and can confirm that within 10 seconds I was hearing exclusively sounds stolen from Swamp.  I've also downloaded the latest download link of the game and it is the same story.  I believe this forum's current rules require that discussion of said game, and links, be removed.  It seems this is what has been done in similar situations, so I'm guessing this is how it will/should be handled now.  Thank you.

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