Blatent account theft and alts

Well, I wasn't planning to make this topic tonight, however I saw something that bothered me. A blatent example of someone with alts being allowed to still come on the forums.
On 9TH February, at around 3:44PM Eastern Caribbean time, the following post was made:

Darkness King wrote:

i posted all ready posting again i am blind gamer i lowe playing blind games i am not a robot or a bot so just don't restrict me please.

OK, he made another post saying he liked VG storm games, which is normal. Lots of people like vgstorm games, but take into account the following posts made on 13TH February, 21 at 1:50, again, Eastern Caribbean time.

Darkness King wrote:

Hello all i am a blind gamer i like playing vgstorm,aprone, and other games i want to play a heros call and i asked my parents to bought it for me but they don't trust me because i tricked with some ting not game and they don't wanted to lose money again they tinging about i will lose money again but i wanted to play the game could someone purchase it for me tanks please my email is

Again, we see his writing style some more, and again, his like for VG storm, but look at this post by Labron games in the same topic  a few days earlier on 6TH February, at 9:07AM.

labron-games wrote:

Hello guys please purchase the swamp game for me, my email is

Darkness also said he fancied Aprone games, however you may not see the connection, but here's where the undeniable proof comes in.
Again, Labron on the same above day, just about an hour later though at 10:11AM.

labron-games wrote:

also if someone could purchase manamon2 for me registration name DarknessKing email address

I could legit stop there because the username is bluntly the same, however there's one more piece of evidence.
The same game purchase topic, we have the following:
Just after the post at 9:07 on the sixth,

labron-games wrote:

Hello guys please purchase the swamp game for me, my email is

And, one more piece of evidence because I can,
On 29TH December, 3:21PM, Labron wrote the following:

labron-games wrote:

hay all, I know I haven't bin on in like a year, but please forgive me, I've bin busy with cheating manamon2, as well as other VGStorm game titles. and so, if anyone needs me, let me know!

Now, tell me there isn't at least a slight difference in writing styles between this last one, and the ones above.
So, what's the meat and potatoes? Basically, I'm about sure there's at least enough solid info to ban Darknessking for at least a year for blatently attempting to get games with multiple accounts, accounts which most certainly do not belong to him, which clearly goes against the rules. 1. . Each person is permitted one (1) account. Duplicate accounts will be deleted, and users guilty of creating duplicate accounts for any reason will be subject to disciplinary action.Nextly, this is legit the 3rd or 4TH time something like this has happened under the watch of the staff team, from the techgirl situation, to I believe they accidentally unbanning an alt of Urh. I've reported darkness about 2/3 times already. While I'm not saying my reports are special or anything, it was made apparent this person may have also been envolved in the Maxi situatio.
And lastly, Please don't buy anything for this person. While I can't tell you how to spend your money, I can honestly say that someone willing to jump through so many hoops to get games isn't a person worth buying a game for, especially a 40 Dollar game.
Thanks for reading

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