Re: Hell Hunter - Anti-Nomen demo release

Hello @Tech Geek! Thanks for playing the demo and for the feedback, also i'm glad you're enjoying it so far! I know that there was an issue with shift+tab in the steam version of Blind Quest 1 but actually it seems that the problem has been fixed long time ago: now in the steam version you go backward just pressing shift. Also i checked the code of the engine and actually there's a statemente which checks if the current version is the one of Steam which makes you move using just shift, instead of shift + tab so i'm quite confident about the fact that that issue doens't exists anymore. In any case i might consider to change shift/tab with left/right arrow keys if the change doesn't result much heavy to do.
About menu actually i worked on an upgrade of the demo of Hell Hunter: i gathered a lot of your suggestions and so i managed to implement many improvements, not everything but i did the best i could do... since the testers are still working on it i won't spoil too much for now, but among those changes there's a new menu both for the main menu and for the menu page in which you can select the options with the arrows, instead of hearing each time a wall of text.
At the moment there's not much i can do about dubbing, David has a slow speech i guess... about the tone of voice for Hell Hunter we decided to use an heavy and gloomy voice instead of the one of Blind Quest, which personally i think it would never had fit the horror mood of the game... screen reader is still a long term issue, on the other hand it will be possible to skip kinda everything in the next version.
Anyway i'll do the best to add any other feature still missing in future.

Speaking about Liam... well actually, unlike what someone might think about us, me and someone else are aware about the issues he mentioned in the stream he did of the first version of Blind Quest 1, the one turn based (to be honest i was kinda surprired when i realized they released such an incomplete version of the game, and not for free...)
Also i watched both that stream and the one in which Liam at the end of the stream played Hell Hunter for a while... i'm quite sorry that he decided to stop exactly when the tutorial finished, since behind that mist wall it starts the actual game and all the unique gimmicks of my game that people apreciated a lot started to kick in.
I'm not feeling like contact him in private to answer his questions and/or suggestions, and since i don't really know where to answer him, except this topic, then i'll write something here and hopefully he will eventually check what i wrote.
I any case i guess i should thank him for trying at least to play the demo, most of the answers to his stream already are among the posts of those three pages of my topic, and while i'd apreciate if he could read them, i'll still make a "brief" recap of them in this post.
First of all nope, Massimo de Pasquale is only the author of Blind Quest 1 and not very much other titles, but since he programmed the engine we use for making game with the same structure of Blind Quest, then his name will always appear in the credits since we use his engine but he actually didn't decide anything about the other games and neither their custom features, so i think it's unhealthy for the both of us to think that those games are made from the same person, which never listens your suggestions: each new IP is made by fresh new developers of the team which start making those games from square one.
Now i don't know how stuff works above and probably it would be a good thing if new devs would be aware of the issues of Blind Quest structure since the very beginning of their projects, but the result, from my personal perspective, is that when they eventually know more about the forum feedbacks, the structure of the whole game is already been defined and so it's too late for any big change: since the default structure of the engine doesn't allow to use items from the inventory, let alone combining them, and we don't know about those requests in that step of the project, then the game is not designed to have items/quests/gimming that can work in that way with the inventory, and actually the new developer doesn't possess the knowledge and neither the programming skill to apply those changes anyway. This means that at the end of the project to apply those new features, aside the big update in the engine, the design of maps, quests and gimmicks should be redone, and probably also the dubbing, which means a lot of time and i guess money, so i'm pretty sure that applying those changes to the inventory in the first chapter of each IP is kinda impossible for us.
And trust me, as i read your posts in any of our topics, included this one, i feel bad about that since i definitely know what you want and the fact that it won't be possible in a near future to make happen everything.
Massimo is too busy with many projects to have some time to upgrade the engine, so it's up to us to upgrade meanwhile our personal copy of the engine, which can't be shared among us due to the diversity of our custom features and gimmicks.
Anyway in my case, to make a long story short, i'm the author of Hell Hunter and i decided kinda everything, from extra code to design, story and most of the music and sound... at the moment i'm working on the music and sounds of the complete version of Hell Hunter, so until i finish i won't have time to any other upgrade, and since the deadline is very short i can just hope to make in time to add new upgrades for the game before releasing the complete game.
Said that, on the other hand we pull a lot of effort in making our custom gimmicks and what makes unique our games, so please believe in us and play our demos until the end so that you can grasp the uniqueness of our games!

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