Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Our great mentally incompetent president who was absolutely fairly elected and absolutely isn't a criminal has nothing to add to fighting COVID except for the great idea to fight the virus by wearing another mask on top of the first? Huh? The virus will just go through two masks and the carbon dioxide poisoning will continue. I wish people would wake up! This stupidity has been going on for almost a year now. How long is it going to take for enough of the population to say enough is enough? Will it be 5 years? 10? Never? I'm not taking a vaccine either. I'm healthy, and if I do catch the virus, I'll do what normal people do and isolate myself from the public until I'm better. Isolating perfectly healthy people makes no rational sense. We keep the sick away from everyone until they're better. If the virus mutates, it mutates. This is how viruses work.

This is why I don't go very many places, especially now. If you're terrified of the virus, wear a mask if you truly think it helps, but don't force everyone else to. If you think I have the virus, stay away from me if you're that terrified. If you're so afraid you'll die, don't go anywhere or hey, why not wear a hazmat suit. This is as bad as the zombie plague, aaaaaaaaaaaa! Common sense is not so common and this is what the left loves!

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