Update to Hell Hunter - Anti-Nomen demo

Hello everyone! So the update to the demo of HELL HUNTER: Anti-Nomen is ready, I gathered all the suggestions you gave me
with the first release of the demo and improved the game as much as possible, so thanks a lot for your feedback!

I'll list the changelog below:
1) Now you can skip kinda anything, namely all dialogues, cutscenes, enter room descriptions and the battle reward speech
2) I removed all the redundant voices from where they weren't necessary, so the infamous "press tab to move" is banished, all the battle quotes which are not essential don't exist anymore, so the player can focus on sound effects and music. Since the attacks won't be anymore announced by the voice, now the battles might become harder.
3) The deadly attack gimmick now it gets explained when you fight the dragon, now it's quite more clear when it happens and you hear a special sound effect when the deadly attack starts
4) All the generic instructions and some gimmick in general has been updated, so please don't skip their explaination
5) I removed from all the sound files of the names of the interactive elements in the maps that gap of half second even an entire one! Now moving with Tab should be faster
6) I managed to implement the menu both for the main menu and the inventory! Now, rather than a pile of voice text, each time you open those screens, you can select among the options with left/right arrows and chose them with ctrl: you'll hear only the information you want to know, In the inventory menu I added the options that allow you to know about the required exp for the next level up, the instructions of the game and also a new option which allows you to know your game progression, expressed in percentage
7) You won't get slowed down for 1 second anymore when you move with tab, while you have to escape from the golem
8) Some battle sound effect was stopped as soon as a new sound effect would kick in, to avoid overlap. Now that won't happen anymore in most of the cases, so the battle should be more enjoyable now
9) Many others minor fixes and balancements for battles.

I'd like you try the new version of the demo to check if/how the game improves, also It would help me to know what do you think about the difficulty of battles, after this update... how many blood vials you manage to spare along the way? Can you handle the bosses? In the new version the dodge type monsters have been strengthened, especially two among them should result way more threatening, they are the Man eater roots and the Zombie crows.

For who didn't play the game yet, HELL HUNTER - Anti-Nomen is a Horror RPG game, this is the story of Elyon, a vampire hunter, he's a dhampir hence the son of a vampire and a human, he hunted vampires and creatures for a long time, now he wants to succeed in his greatest hunt: Dracula, the lord of darkness.
The story is set in Transylvania, in our days: technology like smartphones already exist, to be precise, in this modern society creatures of the night exist and people is not aware of that, some of the creatures even live among humans, in disguise. Elyon hunts them far from the eyes of common humans and travels along darkest places during his personal mission.

The demo for Windows (64 bit) and Mac is available now for free on the audiogames.it website:

https://www.audiogame.store/en/shop/hel … omen-demo/

I will apreciate any new feedback, this is also one last chance to make some other improvement before the release of the full version of the game, which will happen this month!

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