Re: thinking about leaving the us

At the risk of turning this into more wailing about Covid-19 and the like, I just want to point out that I do believe there's way, way too much money in politics. Corporate money holds far too much power for all of them.

Practically speaking, conservatives in America have absolutely nothing to be afraid of. If people jump on you with both feet for being a conservative, all by itself, that's not cool and they shouldn't be doing that. But I promise you that most people worth associating with will not do this. They might fundamentally disagree with you, but they'll leave you alone about it unless you get pushy.

Now, that's important. If you just want to live your life, be left alone, given a chance to succeed or fail on your own merits, and just so happen to hold a right-wing viewpoint? Fine. No problem. You aren't trying to harm anyone. Zero problem.
Where you start getting into trouble is when you start talking about how the other side is out to get you, or out to erode everything you hold dear. Trust me, they're not. You are not in danger. I can't stress this enough.

Now, if you're in the shrinking minority that believes some of the wilder stuff coming out of the right, this might be a good time to quietly reflect on that. I'm not saying you need to renounce everything you've ever believed, but take a good long look at yourself and ask yourself why you believe what you do. And if you've caught some flak for it, maybe dial it back a little.

America is calming down. Good things are starting to happen. The dems are a country mile from perfect, but we're starting to see change that's actually going to do some good. You're still going to have capital-hill infighting, obstructionism and grandstanding. You're still going to have one side invent culture-war stuff that doesn't exist. You're still going to have the other side absolutely and categorically refusing to let shit go. There are good reasons for the latter, bad reasons for the former, but if they all make you uncomfortable, just keep your distance. Go about your life. Nobody's out to get you.

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