Re: Golden Crayon Asset Replacement Project

Listen, post 30 is not harsh. I'm sorry to say, but if you can't pay for things in the real world, you don't get them. Unless of course you take on a mountain of credit card debt. I know this is a lot to ask of teen agers who think life's not fair because they can't get a credit card or a  paypal, but this is life. One must play the hand they're dealt.

If someone wants to host him, fine. If he doesn't pay them, that's between him and the hoster. However, when he literally tells his hoster to go ask for donations, that's fucking ballsy and just downright tasteless.

Let's say you're a younger version of yourself and  you built a treehouse. This is your club house where you go and spend time in. Now, a friend says, "Hey, I want a club house too, but I can't get one. Can I use yours?" You, being a good friend readily agree to this proposal. Now your friend brings a bunch of stuff in. It makes moving around inside a bit difficult.

Since you built your club house, you appreciate it even that much more. So you make sure that when you bring snacks out, you dont' leave open bags of chips and stuff, because you don't want ants and other bugs in there. But your friend doesn't care. Oreos, chips, all that stuff is there and open and now there's ants crawling all over his stuff and yours. Thinking the best of him, and that he just forgot to clean it up, you call him and ask if he'll come over to help you clean out the club house. To which he says, "I'm busy and I can't, but you can ask around town, maybe someone else will help."

You feel downtrodden, because it's no one else's responsibility but your friend's. Still, you know you need to clean up, so you take to the task and get it done. The thing is, that afternoon you expected to hang out at the skate park. So you lost an afternoon to someone being a bad friend.

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