Re: Blindfold Racer

Hi marty and welcome to the forum.

Thanks for the link to your blog, I'll gladly update the entry I wrote for the game with that information.

One problem I find hwoever is that the  controls seem extremely buggy, either that or the upright position of the phone needs to be a bit too  stable,  sinse frequently I find myself that I race absolutely fine, or  sudden ly the car won't turn at all however I twiddle my Iphone and I just cruse along in one direction until i slam into something.

I also confess the game's rather breezy tone is a little off putting for some adult players, particularly sinse  there has been a tendency in the past for some developers to over  be condescending towards visually impared people, and while I understand your game is aimed at kidsand thus intended to have a simplistic set of instructions in a cheerful voice, some players have took it a little the wrong way.

You might considder ha ving an adult voice mode wh which just read your score and gave you the correct information like any other  audio game rather than saying in  such a bright tone "you didn't hit any animals!" etc.

Other than that I do like the game, particularly the mix of musical styles, the sound effects and the idea behind the controls, albeit I did rather find myself as I said that either they were buggy or overly sensative to vertical phone position.

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