Re: a question for jayde

Yeah, I've definitely addressed all those questions before, but to sum it up:

1. I'm intending that the game be for PC primarily. I'm not at a point where I'd want to release it to mobile, as that's a whole other environment.
2. I'm intending to sell it, which means that yes, I'd be willing to compensate a coder for their time, but I don't have hard and fast rules on how that would get done. We'd have to talk shop if someone was interested.
3. Turn-based JRPG is what we're after here. Movement similar to A Hero's Call.
4. As far as complexity, a few points. Entities need to be able to modify their AI based on conditions (i.e., if you use a fire spell on a monster, it can respond with an ice spell, and other such things). Multi-person party that can be changed on the fly (again, think A Hero's Call). Zoning on maps (for instance, a road is safe but the surrounding map has random encounters on it). Rudimentary day-night system, and NPCs (including enemies) which react a little differently depending on whether it's day or night. Skills and spells learned via level-up, some of which have their own interactions (i.e., rage for barbarians, shadows for illusionists, learning certain enemy spells for scholars, etc.).

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