Re: Cute girls

@hhurstseth405, this forum is not a dating forum. Please move this to another forum. Also, do not! simply go online and say, "Hey! I'm available!" You need to go and find the girl who's right for you. Don't let someone else set you up; it rarely works out anyways. Keep trying different girls, and see who suits you right. I don't think any girl is just going to send you a text and want to hook up with you. They have to get to know you.
Dating is not as simple as walking up to a girl that you hardly know (which is the case on this forum) and asking her, "Hey, will you go out with me?" It will not work; she will immediately deny the request. The reason is she doesn't know you at all, or hardly at all. Get to know the girl you have feelings for, and then begin to explore those feelings. Ask yourself one of the following questions:
1. Does she have feelings towards me?
2. Do I have feelings towards her?
3. Are we right fo r each other?
Keep this in mind: When a girl likes you, she'll clearly show it. And when your mind and hers like each other, your bodies will give you hints and signals to let you know, such as the feeling that butter flies are flying rapidly around in your stomach, warmth in eachothers hearts and other areas when you look at each other, electric-like shocks that race through you when she touches you, etc. And no, when you fel the shocks, don't jerk away like she's really shocked you. She hasn't. Its another body signal. Understand the signal; your body likes her, and she obviously likes you. Take the relationship slowly, and don't race or force it. Let the love between you grow. Start out as friends, and just wait.
I understand it may be hard to wait, and thoughts that boarder on sexuality may race through your mind, or you might even get sexual thoughts when your around or not around her, but keep them to yourself. Do not, under any cir cumstance, express these thoughts until you both are comfortable with them. Again, just take the relationships slow. Let the girl stay in control of it. In fact, keep a little control, but not too much as to be conflictual to her in any way. Do not yell or get physical with her. Do not harm her, emotionally r physically. That will only strain both of you.
I hope this helps you out.

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