Re: a few complaints about the blind comunity

I've not seen any people who demand because they have a disability that they should go to the front of the cue but I've herd of it happening. And I've also herd of people demanding free stuff just cause they're blind.

For example: My nan and dad and granddad all think that cause I'm blind I should get things for free, like a electric blanket and other things. There was this form thing I could fill out and get this stuff for free. I tried explaining that just because I'm blind does not mean I should get things for free. I actually hate it and would never tell anyone to get something for free just cause you're blind or V.I. It's quite sad that people will do that.

It's like they're thinking that, oh we're blind and it's so hard to get around and do things so we're complain and get things for free plus draw attention to  our selves.

This has nothing to do with the subject really but it's another example of stupid blind things.
I'd gone down to see a "friend" of mine in a college campus thing. Where you'd stay at night and go to the college in the day. Anyway I went down there and while there, we ordered some pizzas. So the pizza arrives and we get told that it's here. We go out side and he starts waving his cane around. "Hey I'm here! I'm the blind one! I'm the one with the stick! hey, hey!" me. "What the hell are you doing?" He didn't answer. Anyway We found the pizza guy, who buy the way should have got a raze in his job for dealing with this moron. The man said, "Oh I'm so sorry if I had known you were blind I would have parked rite next to the college." I said, "that's fine, it's not a problem at all." Get this guys, he took a couple pounds off the pizza for us, I believe that he took £5 off. So he asks us. "Do you need any help getting back to the campus?" Before I could say anything this "friend," says, "no! we can do it our selves!" I' not joking around here, he actually shouted at the guy. He took the pizzas and walked off. I was not only shocked but it ruined my hole evening and I am not going to see this guy again.
I said I was so sorry about that, he said it was fine and drove off.

That's not all, we get back in and this is how the idiot finds out what pizza is what, now keep in mind yes he's Muslim so cannot eat pork, but that's still no reason to do what he did. He opens the pizza and... sniffs it, what's so wrong about that? Well, he had a cold... so I don't know if any snot got on the pizzas. I hate it but I'm telling you now I'm not going back there.

That's just one example I'm sure you guys have more. It really pisses me off when I see blind people like this. The guy was nothing but nice, takes five pounds off the pizza, and all he gets in return is rudeness? Is it no wonder the sighted community see us as rude people?

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