Making a mud soundpack for Mush

Hi all,
So, with people making soundpacks for Alter Aeon with the ever popular MushZ, Clok, Miriani and Star Conquest, it's high time I sit my butt down and make one for Medievia. I would've for Materia Magica, but from what I hear the blind community is stagnating over there.
What would I need to go about doing this, aside from sounds of course? I don't know what MushZ code I should look at for examples since it's bundled with scripts that the Mush creator Nick Gaman created himself for the benefit of the mudding community.
I also want to add a system for buffers. Formation for groups and any channels that you may be communicating on. On trade runs, it can get incredibly spammy when running to your destination and it's hard to pay attention without any kind of scripting help.
I also want to add things like if you're a cleric and have mass refresh, cast it every once in a while to refresh movement. Unlike most games, speedwalking is impossible because you can run out of breath and fall. So if I was to add a zmap like feature to it, there'd need to be a timer. Zmap isn't very needed on this game because dragons will fly you anywhere you want to go, and you just find the entrence.
I would highly recommend someone with soundpack know-how get into this game. Even if you aren't, I've just joined a new clan and I have enroll privgs, so if you want to leave the newbie clan early and get help from some guys who've been around the block with this game, this is your clan. The last clan I was in were a bunch of elitests and chewed me out at every opportunity, whereas I've had nothing but support from clan 7.
I've made over 67000000 gold on three trade runs with them.
So, if anyone can give me tips and some code found in MushZ to take a look at for examples only, I don't intend to outright copy it, let me know.

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