Re: looking for a team of developers

Hi all, Here is how I would like this done. If someone would like to use code, you may use BBcode or html. I'd like my game to be also for Ios as well. Here is the first 2 chapters to my game. Still need a coder.

"Battel Over Camelot"

"Chapter 1"

  The sounds of battle were heard over the screams of pain, death and suffering. The king ordered a nite to groop all the pesants up and bring them to the throne room.
  "Yes sire"
          On his way out a figure dressed in a blood red traveling cloak appeared in his path. Drawing his sword, he began a deadly battle with the bocotow monnah member. With speed, the night ducked out of the way as a powerful swing almost beheaded the knite. Expertly, the knite thrust his leg behind his phoes legs and floored him as he slit the mans throat with his own dagger. In the mans left hand, the knite found a scrowle of spells.
--------------- -----------------
As the knight ran to grab the peasants, he saw a little girl and boy on the stone floor crying and bleeding. Running to them, he thrust out his hand and threw some dust to them and yelled
  " Put it on your woonds!, you'll heal in a few seconds."
  Doing as he said, they started feeling warmpth flow threw them and just like that, they were healed. A green light from a fist was sent with a loud hiss threw the air. The king was fighting a few winged creatures called sithes. taking a swing at the sithe, it flew up and with an under hand, sliced the guts of the sithe. A lot of enemies started falling by the dozens. Looking up, The young boy and girl had two swords and were fighting with such skill that you were dumbfounded. Taking atvantage of The kings hesitation, a sithe scratched his  chest and he fell to the floor.


  Many hours later, the king woke up and tried to set up. A gentle hand pushed him back to the pillows.
  "Stay still," the voice said. Your woond is not quite healed."
  Looking up, The king saw a thousand bats breathing white light over the king. Everytime one of them breathed on his woond, The king began to feel stronger and more relaxed.
  "What are you?," he asked.
  "I am an Elf from Mount Tarshish. My friends and I all have magic. We saved your life. I was the one who found you," She said.
  "Thank you but you understand that magic is punishable by death here? And yet you risk your life saving my life by magic?""
  "I do sire. However you will need my kind to fight this war here."
  "Very well, finish so I can return to my men," He spat.
  "You are healed," as the elf flicked her fingers and the bats and her vanished.

Jumping up , The king grabbed his sword and ran to see the castle full of bearded dwarf-like people with axes fighting the nites. Running forward, the king started battling the dwarfs. as the king and his men started gaining the upper hand, a dwarf threw his axe at the kings head and it was just about to hit when it vanished from behind. Turning around, the king saw the elf that had saved him earlier. throwing her hands out and up, she produced a barrier between the king and his men.The elf grabbed a crossboe from the wall and loaded it with an arro . Taking aim, the elf fired and with a nasty  thwack, the dwarf fell dead. Grabbing his armer, the elf began to dress and murmer an enchantment. When she was finished, she was a dwarf. Blending in, she began to slay every dwarf in her path. With a mighty scream, all of the dwarfs fell dead at her feet. With a wave of her hand, her eyes flashed golden and all the dwarfs stood and bowed to her.
  "Rise my slaves!," she spat.< br />  Rising to their feet, they asked in unison
  "How can we please the oh mighty one"
  "You will protect the king with your lives or dye trying."
  "Your wish is our command."
  Waving her hand the wall around the king decentigrated and the dwarfs joind the nites and the king.
  Picking up their armer and weapons again, they ran and started battling the creatures that were at the drawbridge. a sound behind a dwarf made him stop and turn around. a sithe was baring down on him. With a snap of his fingers, the sithe caute fire after slitting it's own throat.. A second one started twards him and grabbing his axe, he threw it and with a humph the axe was embeded in the sithes chest.A snake started hissing and as the dwarf lifted his hand to perform a spell, the snake struck once, twice, three times in his leg. Subtracted the airs mass and adding carbon, the air caut fire behind the snake and wi th the rise of a finger, the snake flew back into the fire. before it hit the fire, the dwarf cut his headoff and produced a cup with some yello-like liquid in it. taking the snakes head, he dripped some amber liquid in it and swallowed it. his leg mended and his kind was now immune to snake poison.

All of a sudden, the dwarf was entangled in sticky strands of a spiderweb. Rustling wings got louder and louder. With a screatch, the bat grabbed the spider in its talands and rapped it in it's own web strangling it. Flying over to to the dwarf, it shot a flame at the webs and they vaneshed. Flying at the speed of light, The dwarf fell with a flop on the bats back. Rasing a sword, a nalokie rased twards the dwarf. Spotting it, the dwarf took an axe and threw it. Hitting the malokie, it turned into smoke . Two days later, The war was over and the  king was in his throneroom with his new army. He mounted the enemies heads on his walls a nd listed the elf as a royal protecter over Camelot.

Chapter 2

  "Sire come fast we have trouble at the Southern wing of the castle."
  Racing out of the room, the walls started shaking with violent trembles. The windows were cracking under the trembling walls. Standing stiff as a board, a mage threw a fireball at the kings back. Sencing something wrong, the king turned around and razed his shield and as the fireball made contact, the fireball rebounded on its caster swallowing him in a violent assortment of screams in pain and anguish. With no time to looze, the king grabbed his sword and started a fearce battle with a winged creature. The creature was covered in spikes and hornes with each blow, the creature re-appeared three feet infrunt of the king. Making him pace back and forth and side to side.
  "If you wont fight like a creature you will die a coward."
  Taking a steal-tipped arrow, thev king pulled a cross boe from his shoulder and knocked the arro. Pulling iit back, the king advanced twords the scrin and let the projectile fly. Hitting the jiant  scrin between the eyes. Before someone could blink three times, the king pulled a new arrow and as the creature took flight, the arrow made its mark between the scrins ribs.
  Noticing a dwarf fighting a figure dressed in all black, the king ran forward and seezed the mask  the figure was wearing with a gasp of reconition, the king pulled a butterfly dagger from his sleev and took aim and threw it. Hitting the figure in the center of the forhead, the figure threw up his hands and threw a ball of cold air at the king.
  "I will take your entire kingdom by force if I have to FATHER. I left the kingdom to study dark arts with the necromancers of Dundy. There is no town left to fight along side you."
  "Why are you doing this Decklin?"
  "Because you banished me from your kingdom. You seriously think this is the worst of the battle, just wait father, I can assure you, this is only the beginning."
  With a wave of Decklins hand the dagger that was embeded in his skull, vannished.
"Are you scared yet my Lord? That was onlhy a little of what the necromancers taught me. I have so much power and I can over take your pitiful armies and troops See father watch.
  raising his hand, the kings son waved his finger and a snake arose up by Decklins side.
  "I will now kill this snake and call forth his bones."
  Taking a Long handled dagger, Decklin cut the snakes head off.
  "Now watch father"
  Decklin held his hand over the headless corps and muddered a word under his breath and then the headless snake was no-longer headless and it was hissing  enraged.
"kill ," was all he said and the snake poised its body and was ready to make that killer stri ke. Before the snake moved however, the king took a sword and implanted it in the snakes mouth falling dead again at the kings feet. Screaming in anger, Decklin ran twards his father with deadly intent blazing in his eyes. Before Decklin reached him however the elf was behind Decklin and had a firey arrow wizzing across the air. With a silent hiss, it nailed the dark prince in the neck. Taking an arroe made of ice, she fitted it in her cross-boe and sent it sailing. As the prince turned around, the arroe found its mark in the princes heart falling dead at her feet. Holding an orb over the princes heart, there was a blue mist that filled the orb. Handing this to the king, she said,
  "I know that magic is punishible by death here but this orb will give you your sons powers and his soul. And with that, she dissappeared in the air.

"Chapter 3"

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