Re: A Question About Robin Hobb's Books

@Grryf, I am afraid I disagree on the order of Hobb's books. while it is true you would probably have to sit around in taunyman and just accept who certain characters are without background, there is a major event at the end of Liveship that makes the conclusion of taunyman make sense. I'll avoid spoilers for Guitarman's sake, but lets just say if I hadn't read liveship I know my thought would be "hold on, where did that! suddenly come from? and where was that! during the events of Assassin's quest?" Also, thematically the battle betwene "that!" and something else plays much more point when you realize the history of "that!" as opposed to the other thing, history which is only provided in Liveships. I've heard people call Farseer, liveship and Taunyman a trilogy of trilogies with a distinct conclusion that references both parts and I have to agree.

Regarding Game of thrones, sansa getting a spanking from Edard? --- - big_smile.

I don't agree on Tyrrion though, for a start, the age difference isn't that bad in context of the society, sinsse remember in a society where people were married at 13, they'd have been functionally adult for a couple of years before that (look at the way Bran behaves at 9). I also don't think Tyrian is as old as you think him to be, indeed I believe he's about 29 or 30 at the most. so it's like someone in our terms of 18 marrying someone of 35 or so, unusual but not disgusting.

More than that though is the emotional part. I just can't sympathize with Sansa when all tyrian wants from her is a small amount of concern, just an acknolidgement that she feels something for him or could feel something for him, when in effect he's desplaying all his vulnerability to her (something he never does with anyone else), and she complet ely freezes him out. After all if anyone is in a position to understand Sansa's misstreatment by Jofry it is Tyrian, and heck Sansa still had more affection from her family than Tyrian ever did. Yet, she completely blanks him.

I don't often cry at books but the scene when Tyrian was lying in bed beside Sansa and tells her that he has it in him to love, and she responds with "whatever you say my lord" actually got me a bit misty eyed, indeed at that point I thought she almost deserved what Jofry did to her.

I personally would actually like to see Tyrian happily married off to a loving wife at the end of the series, and it would be quite satisfying if that person ended up as Sansa coming to her senses and realizing that he might be a dwarf and uggly, but he's a good man after all.

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