Re: Schools for the blind, training centers, and how they perform.

@Turtlepower, that sounds worryingly believable, although the school I attended only had blind kids, at one and the same time we were told that the staff were attempting to make us be normal, and yet that we had to obey the rules without question and just act as the staff desired, for example for some silly reason if someone bought a tape recorder with an audio tape and listened to it at night in bed, it was literally a crime to touch the machine. Indeed on one occasion when myself an another boy woke up early at about six Am, started a quiet conversation and stuck on a tape with a double set of headphones, not only were we bought up in front of the head master for a severe yelling at, but there was an assembly to the entire school on the theme of crime and learning from mistakes, and for the next three mornings we were ordered to get up at six and do extra copying for an hour. Yes, things really were! that victorian!

Frequently I remember things I'd done or discovered or achieved attributed to other students, indeed I used to use my intelligence as a weapon sinse it was quite satisfying to force one of the teachers who literally hated me to admit I was right.

@Aaron, it isn't so much just about trips out, (we had highly supervised trips to plces occasionally, I remember getting in severe trouble for daring to drink out of a can of coke, and to open it myself rather than waiting for someone to open it for me), it's more about the attitude an the institution. The idea behind my specialist school (and I suspect from what people have said behind many others), was that there was "a system" and ultimately the system took pressidence over everything. Actually this seems true of a lot of blindness organizations now I think about it.

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