Re: Ultra power latest version!

Alright, here's my recordings, and you can skip to the bottom of the post to get the links, I have one that goes through some of the games features, shows a bit of the area, and displays what it's like to fight and what weapons we have.

The next is shorter, more than I'd like it to be but I couldn't get any more people to fight in time, most were busy building, and half of the recording got lost somehow, either way, it's combat with real people, not AI's like in the bigger recording, a short example of how the game plays.

Here's the sequence of events for the first one.
1. I start the game and show the main menu and some of it's options.
2. I enter the game using my account and let the recent changes display, along with who's on the server and my player's stats.
3. I explore the Safe Zone a bit, which is where you start, and let you hear what walking, running, and bumping into walls sounds like.
4. I show you the safe zone menu structure, what items are available for purchace, and buy some things.
5. I demonstrate the give menu, and give some food to my self, since I'm the only one there.
6. I exit the Safe Zone, draw attention to how my coordinates change as I move by checking them a few times, jump, and turn in each direction to give you an idea what that's like.
7. I review the mealtime alerts with the chat buffer to show what they are like, then show what each weapon is and how it sounds to draw and use it.

8. I continue the recording after spawning a few AI computer players to fight against, then show where they are aposed to me, and what their respective levels are.
9. I use the camera view, panning in each direction to show how it works, then the sonar view, pointing out how it alerts you of what is above you when you turn it on.
10. I precede to vishously cut down the AI's, while also getting killed my self a few times and respawning in the Safe Zone, first attacking them underground, then aboveground with a variety of weapons, while also letting you hear some of my player's voice quotes, and showing how items can sometimes be on a different level than you  when I run across one, before later picking it up.

11. I explore the map more, but first I head back to the Safe Zone.
12. I go from the Safe Zone, and down the stairs to the underground tunnel that I fought the AI's in earlier, jumping for added speed and using my sonar again, and showing how the camera view can pass through solid objects to show you what is on the other side of a wall or through the ceiling or floor of the structure you are in.
13. Returning to the Safe Zone, I then head out to explore the bridge, climbing up the ladder and jumping across the gap in the boards before heading down the ladder on the other side, passing over the lake as I go.
14. I explore the shoreline at the other side of the lake, then move on to the front yard of the house there.
15. I walk around the house, showing some more voice quotes, and exploring the backyard before  I head downstairs to the basement, where I pick up an item that I heard through the floor when I first entered, and show how zones work and a bit more of the sonar
16. I head back the way I came, again using the bridge, but this time I jump through the hole, diving into the lake and running back to the Safe Zone where the recording ends.

Things I didn't do but probably should have, roof jumping, one of the activities mentioned in the safe zone menu, which can get you xp, mostly because I suck at it but I also forgot because it was late, sorry, but it's not hard to pick up, just use the camera view and time your arrow presses when you jump.
Also probably should have climbed up the vine near the Safe Zone to show how ropes work, but basically you stand under one and press up arrow, then hold down or rapidly press up arrow to climb to the top, you can also jump off of them, they are usually a few units wide though so you need to get all the way to 1 side of the rope before doing that.

The second recording, I'll just sorta summarize what's going on...

Me, Unstoppable otherwise known as Omar Alverado, who for some strange reason has  decided to go by  the username quad copter in this?  I think because he likes them... and Lucas Brown all got together to record some action for the demo, and they graciously kicked my ass.  For the greater good, of course...

The first time, we all head out from the SZ when I say go and naturally, chaos soon follows.

I run out and climb up the vine, facing downward with my machine gun at the ready, prepared to pulverize the next person dumb enough to walk under me, which, as it turns out was Lucas...
Firing the wrong direction all the way, he runs, screaming, towards the lake, as he's pinned in the crossfire, peppered randomly with multiple rounds from above by me and from behind by Unstoppable.
For some stupid reason I decide that's a good time to jump down and stick my neck out, giving up my defensable position, maybe I felt left out?  What ever the reason was, I fire at Unstoppable, who, quite understandably, fires back, and we all die in a giant barrage of automatic weapons fire and hot lead!

Next, I jump out as Unstoppable is still typing a message, and Lucas, who is still probably sore about dieing such a shameful and cowardly death, who's standing on the bottom of the ladder up to the bridge so that if someone fires at him from the street, they won't hit him because he's above the bullets, jumps down off his makeshift perch and takes me out from behind with a burst from his mg like some kind of dangerous criminal, amusingly right as I am commenting on how much that last part sucked, and drawing my grenade launcher in order to lob a special surprise at Unstoppable when ever he decides to grace us with his presents.

The third time, me and Lucas jump out, after Unstoppable complains about me taking a tiny portion of his millions of food by killing him or something silly like that, only to become intimetly familiar with Unstoppable's suppressed Machinegun.
Possibly fueled by burning rage at the loss of his munchys, Unstoppable hides  under the bridge like some kind of modern high powered troll, and while he takes his revenge on poor Lucas, who wasn't even the one that killed him! imagine that, the nerve of some people!  I take the opertunaty to attempt killing him with my sniper rifle, using the conveniant and thoughtfully placed bullet sponge that is Lucas's rapidly jerking body as some degree of cover... But sadly, my human meat shield fails me to soon, no doubt do to cheap construction and bad quality control practices, and I am cut down in much the same way, but with a great deal more style and dignity of course.

The last time we head out, I decide to take the more sneaky approach to holesail slotter, and while Unstoppable and Lucas battle it out with sub machineguns, I quietly climb up to the bridge as the world explodes behind me.
Readying my weapons, I observe with a degree of amusement as the foolish underlings violently murder each other, then, diving into the lake through the hole in the bridge, suppressed weapon in hand like some kind of highly trained secret agent, and attacking from what I had hoped, would be an unexpected angle, I take Unstoppable and Lucas almost but unfortunately not quite by surprise, slicing them both up quite admirably but while at the same time, bravely making the most nobal of all sacrifices my self!  Completely by design!  I swear!

What I wish I could have done but didn't, as I said before, I wish I could have had more fighting, especially because that wasn't very tactical or drawn out, as we were all near the SZ most of the time, though it was certainly action packed at least...
Also I very much regret not sneakally laughing as I climbed the ladder to the bridge, or screaming a taunt when I dove off, I was busy planning my next move...  I know, that's a horrible excuse, I'm very ashaimed of my self too, sorry.

Here are the download links, and if anyone has any questions, just feel free to ask me.

The more in depth demo: … 1.mp3?dl=1

The shorter combat only demo: … 2.mp3?dl=1

The Ultrapower home page:

The files are able to be streamed as well as downloaded like this, but if they  don't play right away, it's because they are still downloading before they are opened, I decided not to compress these too much because doing so took allot of the atmosphere out when I tested it.

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