Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

For the savages, I think that making the flying horses detectors would help allot, so would doing something unique with the archers.
Right now if you want to transport a huntress or several with flying horses, you have to fly there, hope nothing can hit you in the air that you can't see from the ajacent square, unload your huntress just to check for invis units, even though the huntress has a low range and has to walk all the way across the square, and is also vonerable to next square ajacent square attacking units.
With the combination of invisible air attackers, and ajacent square attackers that the elves, dark elves, dark, and probably at least 1 other race that I'm forgetting has at their disposal, it's not really fare for the savages.
I also think they possibly need towers of some kind, maybe having to do with vines or something... and I liked the old arrows trap, it was unique, powerful, and I didn't mind the extra wood and gold cost
O n the other hand, the witch's spells just, last way, way too long, to the point where it stops the player that cast it from advancing safely for a very long time, and I know it's good for blocking other units but you can acomplish the same thing by moving a bunch of your own units into the square, I'm not saying it should be super short but it takes way longer than it needs too right now to get the job done.

I think, also, that the master assassin's really need to regenerate mana much faster, I mean I understand that they should not be able to use fatal blade often, but the wait time right now is just, rediculous...

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