An early christmas present

Hi, the original launch date for death match a new beginning was set for christmas day, however since it appears to be stable with only a few bugs, we have decided to launch early for an early public beta. Please read below for release notes. We have tested the game with jaws, nvda, and sapi. At the current time, sapi seems to be in operable, not sure why this is. Jaws appears to work with the game, however in my brief testrun with it, the game lagd a lot when jaws was running, any workarounds suggested would be grate. This is a roleplaying game. You don't half to roleplay if you don't want too, but we do ask that you at least pick a good name when on the server, and that you be nice to other players. And with out further ado, … bsetup.exe BTW since i'm still trying to figure out passwords and such, if you are a new player and you loged onto a player that was already created, just log back out and in. Also note, that sometimes the typing system is a little unresponcive, so if your name doesn't appear to work after you created a character, log out and keep trying until you get on the right character. Oh, and read the information.txt file that's in the games main directory. It contains some useful guides and getting started tips, thanks to defender writing it up for us and incorporating several of our guides. Enjoy!

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