Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Swamp began as a 1-week project to create a game for Halloween.  Since that day the game has grown into a very large online multiplayer beast.  I am happy that it has brought enjoyment to so many people.  big_smile  The old Swamp thread grew to be 511 pages long, with 12,753 posts (at the time I created this one), so I felt it was finally time to retire the old one and start us out fresh!

Version 3.4 (664 MB) Last updated 12-22-14 at 7:26pm EST.

For anyone interested, here is the version 2.9 language file that will allow Swamp to be translated in to any other ANSI languages.  I've also seen people use this file to create screen reader dictionary files thus allowing Swamp to be translated in to Unicode languages as well.


Thanks to several requests over the past few years, you can now order Swamp T-shirts.

Changes from version 3.3 to version 3.4

- Redesigned zombie and loot placement to be more efficient.
- Really fixed the Amorphous and Raiders in campaigns... this time.  The fix from the last update had its own typo in it.  Whoops!
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Steyr AUG's scoped shots to travel as far as they were supposed to.
- The level requirement for trading has been lowered to 60, for normal players, and 25 for hardcore.
- Cooldowns between weapon switches has been adjusted.  This was mostly done to stop certain players from quickly switching between weapons to earn free heals from the field kit.
- The 7 new title-only weapons have been added to the Defender missions.  The odds of finding them are quite low, but all players can use them if they find them.
- When damaged armor is repaired in forts, it now properly alerts you if you are online.
- Fixed a typo that said Bayonets only get 2% boost from the melee skill, when they actually gain 5%.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent incoming chat from speaking properly right after logging on.
- Fixed a typo in the Melee Mastery skill.  Bayonetts get a 5% bonus instead of 2%.
- Worked more on security.
- I have made a few changes that take a second or 2 longer while logging in, but it will help people who have slower connections.
- The server now handles CMM missions more efficiently.  In the past they were causing a lot of stress on the server whenever any were being played.  Now it is no longer an issue, but expect to have a few moments of lag right as your CMM missions launch.  This is mostly noticeable if you have many zombies and loot on a smaller map.
- Fixed a bug that could toss you out onto sub 1 instead of sub 2, after attacking a fort.
- Changed some of the log-in messages to give more information about failed log-in attempts.
- I think I have fixed the bug that could cause players' locations to get scrambled after Defender missions were completed.
- I have done a lot of work to fix the player tracker, which had been buggy for a very long time.
- When finding title-only weapons, they now begin with ammo in them.
- Fixed a bug that prevented damaged overalls from ever actually breaking the rest of the way.
- Fixed several small bugs regarding weapons and armor breaking.  It would often play a break sound even when no item had actually broken.
- I have removed some duplicate messages that would be read when going up or down the sewer pipe between maps 1 and 2.
- Made map changes more efficient for the server on Defender mis sions.
- Fixed the sounds for Raiders being shot across the server.
- Shooting over cars and some building edges will now have a chance to be blocked.  This makes it a little harder to shoot zombies on the other side.  This can also help protect you against enemy gunfire.
- Players should now hear as your bullets hit walls.  I didn't even realize that this wasn't working in past versions of Swamp.
- Fixed a bug with the Armsel Striker, which caused many of its sounds not to be heard by other players.
- Creating a custom beacon on the crash map no longer bypasses the "lost" effect.
- Fixed a bug that did not update health after resetting your skill points.  Players would pour all of their points into health, then reset and spend them elsewhere.  They would end up with a ton of health points left over from before their skill reset.
- During warehouse missions, the game now also tells how many crates a play er has turned in.  Previously it only showed how many they had found.
- Kicking a player from a mission will remove any crates they had already turned in.
- Adjusted the number of zombies per map.  A bug could prevent the server from spawning all of the zombies on some of the more populated maps.
- Fixed a bug that could jump you to the wrong part of map 1 after converting your character between normal and hardcore, or hardcore to normal.
- Added a way for players to recycle junk from their Hardcore character's inventory at the Safe zones.
- Fixed a bug which prevented titled HC players from trading items, if they were below level 25.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Steyr Aug and M4A1 not to give reputation and XP properly.  This bug was also affecting their accuracy ratings.
- Fixed the Sniper training bug, which granted the extra XP and Rep to all guns instead of just the M40.0
- Shooting over cars and some building edges h as been improved so that they can only block bullets that have traveled a certain distance.  This allows you to stand next to a car or wall for defense, without having any of your own bullets be stopped.
- Sabotage and Laying traps have been removed from the fort menus.  These features are no longer part of the game.
- Fixed a bug that could cause you to recieve the "you have been killed" message multiple times in a row.
- The amount of food on Hardcore has been lowered.
- The ability to open gift items or activate quest items has been removed from forts.  HC players will now use the safe zones for those, like the rest of the players.
- Fort warefare (for hardcore players) has been completely redesigned.  Here are the changes:
    + You no longer attack forts by spending food or by defeating the raiders defending their building.
    + Fort battles are no longer launched as missions.
  &nbs p; + From a fort's menu, you now have the option to travel directly to that fort's map.  The fort map is a completely separate map with a large fort in the center.
    + If you own the current fort, you will gain XP every 5 seconds as you stand inside of the main building (in the fort map, not the game's main maps).  The amount of XP you gain every 5 seconds is increased if your clan owns multiple forts.  The more forts you own, the larger the amount!
    + Your clan mates can also stand in the building to gain XP at the same time as you.  Leveling in hardcore mode used to be very difficult and time consuming.  Owning a fort will make it much easier to level up now, because you can gain free XP just by spending time in your fort.
    + If you do not own the current fort, there will be a food fee to enter its fort map.  That fee is deposited into the fort's reserves.  Being in the fort map is how you will attack, and attempt to capture forts owned by other clans.
    + To attack an enemy fort, go into its fort map and walk into the fort building at the center of the map.  Please note that things will probably be shooting at you, haha!  When you are standing in the main building, every 5 seconds food is being drained (and destroyed) from that fort's reserves.  If you drain the fort to zero, it will be captured and become owned by your clan.
    + Having a few clan mates help you attack an enemy fort will drain their food much faster.  Each person in the fort building will be draining food at the same speed as you, so for heavily defended forts you may need your whole team with you.
    + PVP is enabled on fort maps!  You cannot hurt your own clan members, but feel free to shoot any invading players who are trying to attack your fort!  Killing a player will not cause them to lose their inventory, but you may break a few of their items in the process of killing them.  They will respawn on the main maps, and will have to run back to the fort if they wish to continue fighting.
    + In addition to personally defending your forts, you can accumulate computer controlled soldiers that will help.  These soldiers aren't super smart, but they will do what they can to stop invaders.  When killed, these soldiers will respawn after a few minutes.
    + You can leave a fort map by pressing Enter at the map's border, or from the War room located at the center of the fort.
    + When a fort is captured by an invading clan, all computer controlled soldiers are cleared.  It will be the responsibility of the new fort owners to build up its own army of defenders.
- When HC players find "HC Dogtags", and deposit them into a fort, that fort will permanently gain a computer controlled soldier to h elp defend that fort from attacks.  The maximum number of these soldiers per fort is 40.  When killed, the soldiers respawn after a short time.
- When players are invading the fort map you are on, an alarm can be heard (similar to the one that is played by the factory during Dire attacks).
- While on a fort map, you are not able to leave your clan using the /leave command.
- If you remove a person from your clan (using the /remove command), and they are currently on a fort map, they will be moved back to the main maps automatically.
- Added the command /FRIENDS LIST CLEAR, which clears your friends list.
- Zombies will now vary in pitch a little bit, to help give more variety to how the game sounds when you are battling the undead.
- Added the ability to raise and lower the background music volume.  There are no keys assigned by default, but you can set them in your keyconfig file if you wish.
- Added new code that will help me with special events.
- Warehouse missions have been changed.  Players leading missions are now able to set how many crates they wish to find, how many zombies they will battle, and how difficult those zombies will be.  The final reward will be mathematically determined based on those values, as well as a separate map balance value (which I will explain on another line).
- Gaining "Balls of Steel" in a warehouse mission is only possible if the number of crates is at least 70, number of zombies is set to at least 100, and they are set to the Blood thirsty setting.
- A new method called map balance has been added.  As people play the different warehouse maps, statistics are tracked to determine which map is being played the most.  If a particular map has been played more often than the others, rewards for that mission type will be lowered accordingly.  If a map is played less often, its rewards are raised.  The most a warehouse's r ewards will be raised or lowered are by 50% of the total amount.  Because this system will gradually make adjustments by a few percent at a time, the server should be able to keep all maps worth playing, as it automatically hands out more points for the more difficult maps, and less points for ones the players are clearly having an easier time with.
- Players are now able to retreat from warehouse missions early (not team warehouse though).  Pressing Enter on the truck will open a menu allowing you to escape early.  Leaving the mission in this way will reward you only for the crates you had personally turned in, and with a 25% lower reward.  Any team mates left in the mission will lose the crates that you had turned in, forcing them to replace them before the mission can end in victory.  This feature has been added to help players who are unexpectantly called away from their game, so that they will not be killed while their character is left to sit idle .
- Damage from raiders and other players (during PVP) will now follow the same increasing damage pattern that normal zombie attacks use.
- The rewards for Hardcore warehouse missions are 25% higher than regular warehouse missions.
- Removed some ancient code that, after code crashes, had been known to give players the old "save your friend in the shack" types quests that were present in the first versions of Swamp.
- Fixed the sounds for giving bunny slippers, running shorts, and running shoes to another player.
- Warehouse missions now have a death bringer setting, which increases the health and speed of the zombies.  The rewards are increased even more than when using the blood thirsty setting.  When using this setting while tryin to get the "balls of steel", you get a 100% chance instead of a 20% chance.
- Performance of PVP fighting has been greatly improved with some lag control measures.
- Crawling up out of the sewer pipe on map 2 has been adjusted so that players arrive on map 1 more centered in the pipe.  Previously players spawned up against the wall of the pipe.
- Fixed a bug that could say you had no archery weapons, when you actually did.
- The code for traveling between maps has been changed, which should stop zombies from being bugged and following you to the new map.
- Much of the inventory code has been redesigned to be more stable.  We should no longer have ammo vanishing or players suddenly finding themselves without armor when they first log in.
- Fixed the reload times for the Longbow.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong AA12, SPAS12, and Armsel Striker reloading sounds to be heard for other players.
- The sound muffling effect, for objects on the other side of walls, has been cut in half.
- The chat code that allows me to talk to everyone from the server, has been completely rewritten to make several things easier on me.
- W henever a version changes in Swamp, players will once again be required to agree to the user agreement, on the main menu.
- Players who have warnings on their accounts will no longer hear it read out loud each time they sign into Swamp.  When I hand out warnings, it will be set to display the message a certain number of times before it automatically stops.  I want to make sure people are fully aware of receiving their warning, and what the exact warning was for, but I also don't feel the need to have it read the message each time they log in until the end of time.  Haha!  For people who already had warnings before this update, it should already have silenced the message for you.
- Sound loading is now more efficient, so it helps the game run faster.
- Fixed a bug that caused zombies growls and cries not to pan properly with the zombie.  This was affecting a little more than half of the zombies, so it was a big problem.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain game sounds (zombies and loot) to continue playing after they were supposed to stop.  This has been a long-standing bug, so I'm glad it's gone.  As it turns out, typing a 4 instead of 9 can be a big deal, ROFL!
- Some players, with very old inventories, could have Balls of Steel that could not be worn.  I have converted them into the newer version that can.
- Fixed a bug that caused opening gift items to sometimes remove more than 1 gift.
- I've added support for unique weapons, which might show up for special events.  Unique items cannot be traded or deposited into forts.  Unique items vanish when you sign out of the game, so they have a limited lifespan.
- Improved data transfer so logging in is faster as well as traveling between maps.  Massive inventories should no longer have any loading problems like they did in the past.
- Player voices can now have their pitch changed to help players te ll each other apart.  At the voice selection menu, pressing + and - will adjust the pitch.
- Pressing Control and L will now auto-walk you in the direction of the player you are tracking.  This will not automatically walk you around walls and obstacles.  It is meant to help players lead each other out of tricky buildings or sewers, or to be a pretty dangerous way for a friend to walk you across a map while you run to the bathroom.  ROFL!
- Auto-walk to tracked target: has been added to the keyconfig.ini file.
- When using the player tracker's single or looping ping, pressing the key again will now turn off the ping.
- Players will not longer find "Deleted item" listings in their inventory.
- Zombie footsteps now share the same pitch adjustments that their growls have, so that zombies who sound larger or smaller will having matching steps.
- In PVP settings, enemy players will have deeper sounding footsteps, to help you identify who is friend and who is foe.
- Fixed a bug that would give you 2 copies of a title weapon each time you found one.  The first you'd get right away, and the second would show up once you signed out and back in.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent zombies from respawning during missions.
- The mission list has been redesigned to be faster and more efficient.  The old list loved to pause for a few seconds before you could do anything, and that was annoying.
- Fixed a bug that prevented HC and Normal players from joining the same CMM mission together.
- Fixed a crazy bug that could let players buy, sell, and even launch missions from inside of a CMM mission.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the guard to show up on the wrong map.
- Last man standing missions now contain elements of PVP!  After a few minutes all players are given a 30 second warning, and then PVP enables.  This lets players help take down their competition so that they will be left as the last man standing!
- The Auto-walk tracker can not be used on enemies during PVP situations.
- Added a new command /LIFETIME.  This command tells you the number of loot items you have picked up.  If your character was created before this feature was added, then it will only be able to tell you how many items you've found since then.
- Voice commands can once again be heard by nearby zombies.
- Fixed a bug that could cause old missions to be listed, even though they had already been canceled by their creator.
- Added a new mission type, Capture the flag.  Not everyone is familiar with this type of game, so here are the basics:
    + Each team has their own base and flag inside.  The goal is to protect your own flag and steal the flag of the enemy team.
    + To steal the enemy flag, just step on it like any normal loot.  You will be carrying the flag and must return t o your own base without being killed.
    + While carrying the enemy flag (which is a baby), you will hear it crying.  This helps the enemy team find you to kill you, and also reminds you that you are holding the flag.  The person holding the flag deals less damage and is protected by armor less, so you may need to depend on your teammates for help getting back alive.
    + If you are killed on the way back to your base, the enemy flag will drop on the ground where you died.  Someone else on your team can pick it up and continue the trip back to your base.
    + If an enemy player reaches their flag, it is instantly transported back to their base.
    + If you reach your own base while still carrying the enemy flag, your team scores a point.  Your own flag must still be in your base in order to score a point however!
    + If your flag was stollen by enemies, you must hunt them down and ge t your flag back before you will be able to score a point.
    + After either team scores a point, the flags are teleported back to their proper bases so the game can continue.  First team to reach 7 points is the winner.
    + If you are killed during a CTF you will respawn in a waiting area.  To exit the waiting area, run north or south until the game tells you to press Enter.  It is best if you have zones set to be spoken, so you will know when you've reached the correct spot.  The waiting area serves as a way to delay dead players for a few seconds, before they are able to jump back into the battle.
- When carrying the enemy "flag" in CTF, your weapon will do less damage, reloads will take longer, your armor protection drops to 25% of normal, and enemy attacks deal more damage!  Yikes!  You are now allowed to use your weapons though.
- The low health settings now work based on your percentage of health, and not a specific value.  For example, if the alert is set to 25 it now means 25% instead of 25 health points.
- The server was supposed to automatically fix anyone who had gotten trapped inside of a wall or trees.  In the past this did not work very often, but now it should work every time.
- I have reworked the math for calculating the sounds around your player, in an attempt to reduce the lag.  It seems to be working pretty well.
- Adjusted the firing rate for the ACR when being suppressed.  It was slower than firing without a suppressor.
- Increasing and Decreasing background music volume is now set to the K, and Shift K keys.
- When viewing your character's inventory, pressing the Left and Right arrows will organize your inventory into specific categories.  This is intended to help people look through their inventory quicker.
- When selling items at the Safe zone, pressing the Left and Right arrows will organ ize your inventory into specific categories.
- The following note was added to the User Agreement:  During special game events (holidays for example), Swamp may download additional files from the server.  Some of these downloads may be optional, but others will be mandatory and automatic.  Attempts will always be made by Aprone to keep these file downloads to a minimum so that it does not negatively affect players who are on limited bandwidth connections.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes fail to add a new character's name to your character list.
- When at your character list where the game asks you to choose your character, you are now also told how much time is remaining on your Kaldobsky Gamer account.
- When players have unregistered drivers and do not run Checkup.exe before launching Swamp, the game should now display a message specifically telling them to run the Checkup.exe program.  This should cut down on the confusion for many new players.
- If Log in fails while signing into Swamp, the game will diagnose the reason and let you know.  There have been situations in the past where someone's internet was not working, Swamp was blocked by a firewall, or the Kaldobsky website was temporarly offline, but each time people were told only to check their username and password.  The messages now will be more specific so people know what is going on.
- When deleting characters from your character list, the name now vanishes immediately instead of waiting until the next time you run Swamp.
- When at the Mouse Sensitivity menu, you can now press any mouse key to have Swamp tell you which button code it is.  This is meant to help players who have gaming mice with extra buttons.
- Fixed a bug that was affecting the volume and position of bullet sounds as they hit walls near the player.
- Raider's aim has been improved to make them a bit more difficult to fight.
- Fix ed a bug that caused Raiders to often shoot at you over and over, even though you were around a corner or behind a wall.
- Fixed a few commands that have been in the game for a while, but were not working correctly:
    + /NO ME will mute your own footsteps.
    + /YES ME will unmute your own footsteps and return them back to the volume you originally had.
    + /NO Z will mute all zombie footsteps.
    + /YES Z will unmute zombie footsteps and return them back to the volume you originally had.
    + /NO H will mute all human footsteps (besides your own).
    + /YES H will unmute human footsteps and return them back to the volume you originally had.
- Fixed a bug that was causing shooting accuracy to be saved incorrectly.  This is why some people had very bizarre shot accuracy or were hearing that they had fired no shots after dying.
- Reset everyone's shots and hits va lues, because they were all incorrect due to an old bug.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the Strip mall map to get all crazy and messed up after a certain amount of time.
- With more going on, lag was becoming more and more of a problem in this version of Swamp.  New math is being used to cut down on the lag, but some players may wish to continue using the game's old math for handling sound volume and panning.  To switch between the new and old style, type /MATH.  I do not believe there would be any real benefit to using the old math, but this option exists for those who wish to use it.

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