Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Come on David, you know that's not nearly as true as it was before, and fighting, missioning, and trading only between tiny alete little groups does not count at all.

When ever I come on there, it's the same story, and always from the same people, you've got to be kidding me, killing giant hords of zombies outside of missions should give you more of a  reward so it's actually worth it? "what are you talking about! of course there's nothing wrong with spending 30 hours in a virtual world to find 1 peace of virtual armor that isn't even that useful, just to make a full set of virtual armor and then die with it" or have it break at the drop of a hat, because,surprise, armor isn't actually that great and the maps you need to find the good stuff on are the most rediculous ones in terms of number, strength, and damage of enemies, which is all well and good, accept, you can't hope to survive without said armor on those ma ps to get said armor on those maps.
And if anyone ever says that there's not as many people as before, which is a fact so obvious that even the people that don't even like the game any more and just stay logged in all day to ocasionally chat, E.G.... actually "bitch and moan" at people for nothing and cause fights for no reason, can see it clearly, then expect a wave of assholery the likes of which you've never seen, that helpfully proves your point.
A game full of board people just waiting to pick a fight because they stay on there all the time instead of attempting to fix the real life things that make them so quick to anger and alienate everyone, a bunch of people that can't speak english so mostly stay to their own groups, and sometimes rampantly cheat and discriminate, and some new guys that don't usually stick around long when they see that the only people that know anything and are consistently around, are officially jaded and have been for a long time now.  They don't even remember what it was like to have more than 0 people on map 3 and 4, or sub 1, because it's been this way for so long now.
And god for bid you theorize about why it's this way, If the topic even strays anywhere close to what may be construed as saying it could have something possibly to do with, you know, the games creater not having enough time for consistent updates that change allot of stuff, and the interest rapidly waning in the mean time, because duh, and even if you kiss ass and say yes yes I know Aprone has work, I'm not blaming him, o god, o god, put down those pitchforks, what are you doing with those torches, o Jesus please just let it be quick I beg you, it won't matter, they will tare you several new assholes under every pretense imaginable, with all the hurtful things that not living your life and taking it out on others makes you think of while similtaniously telling you over and over again that this means nothing to them and they totally don't care, when it's painfully obvious to anyone else but them that they do indeed care, and it's just because they are mad about the best audio game to date going down hill and falling into disrepair as it was bound to do eventually, which is understandable, but this is the stupidest way of expressing that as possible and no one cares, doesn't matter to them if you used to play Swamp all the time and everyone knows your the kind of person that helped newbies, got stuff for people that weren't strong enough yet to help them out, busted people out of bad situations, hosted all sorts of awesome missions, and chatted about current events in an engaging way, they just follow the few, most likely somehow mentally unstable (based on how many of them act), people at the top, because hey, something to break the minotiny!
I've seen this happen to way too many awesome people, it also happened to me, though t o be fare I kept arguing when I should have just let them get away with saying what they did, which I need to work on, but it seems like either the cool people, new and old, either get driven away after various amounts of time when they quickly realize that they need to wade through a river of bullshit 5 feet deep just to play an awesome, supposedly team play game for an hour or two after work or school, or they join the mighty jerk collective, simply out of a sense of self preservation, which I guess is the real price of playing the game now.
So basically, the well known blind internet drama network has taken over Swamp, and it completely blows, and trust me, if you don't know what I mean by that, you don't want to find out, but I've seen it enough times to know, unfortunately.
Yes, there's still the cool person every now and then, but it's probably because they don't show up much at all, or they stay to them selves 90 percent of the time, an d they are most likely on their way out anyway.
I really hope that changes, obviously, and it's not like the "blind internet drama network associates" will leave even if it does, but they will be berried too deeply in a buffer of normal people to cause much damage, just like before, the problem is, with out some major, relatively bug free changes to get people interested again, that won't happen.  And I really can't expect a god send from Aprone this time, because he has a family and a job, and the stresses of Swamp have already probably taken 10 years off his life at this point.

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