Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

Former trolls consoling and defending current trolls after they get rightfully told off for trolling?  Gag me with a spoon!  What has the damned world come too?

It's like a two man rebel uprising against not saying unhelpful and unasked for things in the most arrogant way possible on every topic that has nothing to do with you!

Good luck finding those who are willing to agree with you though, anyone that looks at Ethin's posts for long isn't going to be very understanding of the hole he desperately keeps trying to dig him self, nor how he almost always rubs everyone the wrong way the instant he starts discussing something.

It's true that you can't just judge someone fully on what they do in the present and not even take into account what they do in the future, which is why no one is really upset with Steve any more even though he was pretty much just as bad as Ethin for a bit a few months ago, probably stress o r something, but I certainly don't hold a grudge, however telling Ethin that what he's doing is even slightly okay, is silly to me, because it just strengthens his attitude, which, amusingly, is the same exact one that he is accusing Camlern of, but worse, since Camlern actually knows what he's talking about and doesn't throw fits to gain attention.

This is getting really, really annoying, all I can say is, sorry Camlern, I'd say that like, 80 percent of us don't think your a know it all what so ever, and of the other 20 percent, most probably don't care enough to find out your not and just judge from 1 post, but don't really mind either way.

If Ethin comes back and does the same thing as Steve has in a while, you know, starts actually programming stuff, or at least attempting too, or even just not starting flame wars left and right and getting on almost everyone's nerves while actually helping people now and then, then I think people will be happy to accept him back, but for as long as I've known him, which admittedly hasn't been for very long or closely, he's been like this at every turn.

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